Cain (Subject 3414)



5 years, 23 days ago


I am machine.
name Cain
age Appears 43
gender agender
pronouns he/it
species gargoyle
sexuality omnisexual
Playlist   :)

code jiko


Though Cain used to be the calm and honorable king of the gargoyles, Cain stands as the first successful living weapon in Richmonds line of subjects. He's been entirely brainwashed, and acts almost entirely on command and instinct. He is quiet, stoic, and incredibly violent when told to be. Generally, though, he can be found standing idle at Richmond's side- observantly watching every living thing around him, and keeping infinite tabs on every person that he sees.

food, shiny things, soft stuff
Richmond, tests, conflict

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Cain was the first and only god of his planet. He reigned as a sort of king to the only intelligent species of the world- the gargoyles. Because of this, he considers himself to be one of them, and carries himself with much of the same animalistic characteristics that made up his people. Despite this, however, he was a very honerable and reserved man. He settled things with infinite dominion, but an equal amount of democracy.

Despite this, however, after Richmond planet hopped into his world and made a captive of him- he's become all the opposite of what he had wished. He was successfully brainwashed and reformed entirely into a blank slate living weapon- and because of this is Richmond's proudest subject. He is heavily considered to be the first in his line of trials to be a 'success'.

He acts entirely as Richmond's turret, and serves him endlessly. Theres little if any of the original man he once was left inside.

After the war, much of Cain's machinery is removed and reclaimed by the laboratory- and he is left a shallow husk of what he once was. No longer havig the purpose of a living weapon nor a god, he struggles to find his place in the world and figure out the man he might have been.

It takes much work, but Cain will eventually find out how to be happy in his own body- and how to live normally after everything that has happened to him.

Design Notes
  • His mouth stretches very far into his beard, and almost touches his ears
  • has a glass eye
  • prefers not to wear clothes, but richmond likes to dress him up
  • our left, his right, eye has crosshairs
  • there is a black streak of hair in the front
  • his toes are much like a kangaroo

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