


5 years, 9 days ago


Name Aislan Caijhainn
Species Moth-person
Gender Male
Height 6'2"
Build Firm, not overly defined
Orientation Anything goes
Occupation Wannabe adventurer

"I walk into this difficult task with no fears. Well, er... Little to none, anyway..."


  • Unrelenting
  • Optimistic
  • Robust
  • Shortsighted
  • Crude
  • Prideful

Even when Aislan suffers, he tries to see the positives; one of his virtues. The list does not continue on for long, unfortunately, and the things that Aislan's lack of manners (or rather, lack of forgoing the manners he had learned) contribute to a far, far longer list of wrongs.

Though he doesn't look it, he can be quite mannish if left to his own devices-- most notably sloven if unchecked (boy does he need other people to help him out far too often)... He can be a bit of a brute in demeanor, depending on his company.
He has certainly grown tougher than he used to be, that's for sure, and he wants you to know it! But even then, underneath all of his blustering and (useless, maddening) explaining, there is a man who is not so certain of himself as he may seem... He's trying his best and working with the massive waves he's created.


Born into wealth, Aislan had his whole life planned out by his socialite family. He was cared for extensively, and, as he got older, it became obvious his only life's goal was to propagate the wealth he had been brought up into- to help his family climb higher up the ladder in their bustling city.
For Aislan, this meant most of his duties growing up were to make presence among his parents 'friends' and benefactors, and to appear on his best behavior at all times. Even worse, he was expected to be something more than he really was; coming off smarter, stronger, and more generous than any one man could possibly be.

This sheltered life bored him to tears! He had known nothing else the older he got, but he just knew that there had to be more to his existence other than looking and sounding clean and clever. It didn't matter if he had done poorly in his schooling and was expected more of-- he dreamt of living a life where he was not asked to write in books or smile brilliantly, but a life where he had to test his physical mettle and be the dashing hero through power alone.

And without second-thought, Aislan had no qualms about putting down the damned books and just... Walking away from it all. It's a work in progress, but he figures it to be the first leg of an epic journey. Surely there is no different way to start about this, he reasons to himself with mild delusion...!























It is an understatement to say he can be a pain in the ass to deal with, considering he thinks he knows everything. Despite shirking away all that he was taught to do, he obviously cant get rid of that misplaced confidence his family bore into his head from youth.

He likes to imagine it would have been impossible to discover the world with all the riches he was afforded, and while his family was overbearing in their manipulation of his status, he had the capacity to loosen the strings and enjoy himself just as much as he does now... Though he would never admit to it, he can be a fanciful dreamer-- but at least he has the pride in knowing he aims to make his dreams come true, and doesn't stop in the face of 'danger' and strife.

He does not have much in the way of true adventuring, often skulking along outskirts of populated towns and kingdoms, getting by on scraps from kind-hearted souls (whether it be literal food scraps or a silly little chore that could have been done by a farmhand in far less time)... Aislan thinks he is doing quite well for himself, his past considered! He still finds this all to be a game, not much different than the way he handled his life back in the higher social strata.
He does not look beyond the present for answers to his future, and it does not bode well. But for now, he will be content in learning day-by-day.


  • Despite being penniless now, his clothes do scream of good fortune, and he is often shifty out in uncertain public. He can be quite rude when among strangers that unsettle him-- and conversely, he acts foolish when he is among strangers that intrigue him, and seem guileless in comparison to him (much to his misfortune).
  • Though he does not get enough adventuring-work in this, he is slowly learning how to wield weapons properly. Namely, daggers and one-handed blades (he has one dagger that he takes with him everywhere, but it gets more work as a paring knife or a rope-cutter)...
  • His hair has always been fairly unruly, even before he left his cushy confines. Now that he wanders, he likes to keep it up, whether it be a pony-tail or a braid.
       He has also considered simply lobbing the whole thing off, but he's got an odd sentimental attachment to it... It took so long to grow and it's quite soft, even in these dire days of subpar hygiene...
