


5 years, 8 days ago


A Curious Horror

Name Koth
Age Ageless, Endless, he forgot
Gender Identifies Male
Classification Construct. Undead. A bit of both?
Role Collector
Value worth the trouble


Koth is a friendly nightmare. He doesn't have any ill will, he's just curious about the world, and what people are like. He used to know, but those memories left when he was changed into this new shape. Now, he's a naive husk of a being, wandering the world and trying to socialize with anyone who sticks around long enough for a hello. Anyone who can tolerate his ignorance will be asked a lot of questions, as Koth tries to understand who they are, what they're doing, and why they do it, as if he were a child new to everything.

Treating him like a child will probably work most of the time, unless things get dangerous - Koth tends to flee or hide from most threats, but this is more for convenience. He can defend himself perfectly fine, and he's an agile and efficient fighter when he needs to be. It's just easier to avoid the fight entirely most of the time, and he doesn't really hold grudges. At the same time, he is very slow to care for anyone, so thinking he will defend you just because you answered a question or two is a mistake. At most, he'll help you hide, but unless you've spent quite some time with him, there's plenty of other people he can learn from, and he has a compulsion to keep himself from danger. The orders of his creator take priority over most things.

  • He plays the Violin (he's very very bad at it)
  • Never emotes, it's hard with a skull face.
  • He likes to sing. He seems more alive when he does.
  • Good at juggling. Doesn't see any value in it.
  • Doesn't have much of a filter, watch what you say.

"I've forgotten what it is like. I'd miss it, but I do not know how."

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