Anastasia ✾



5 years, 7 days ago



24 ✦ Female ✦ Nephilim



A young half-angel, or nephilim, who betrayed her angelic father and their creator - spurrned on by being used as a tool to kill indiscrimantely, and the murder of her mother. Raised by her human mother, a hunter for the church, Anastasia was raised to strike down all those as directed by her father. It's only through a freak accident that she's saved by the village she was to destroy, and from there learned that there's more to the world than what her father stated. And when she goes back home, she finds her mother killed by her father's hand - with him dubbing her a failure, saying he can simply create more like her, before vanishing.

Now she travels with a demi-god, Sonali, and a human with a god killing weapon, Ran, to take down her father and creator, as well as deal with the uprising of the titans. Currently she helps to fund their travels by working as a couturier, with Sonali acting as the public face of her brand - mostly so that she isn't bothered by anyone.


✦ Has a beauty mark under her lips on her right.
✦ Has black wings that come from her waist, that fade at the tips.
✦ Hair is long, wavy and dark blond. There's a lot of it.
✦ Eyes are red, can be bright depending on the light.


"She is both hell fire and holy water."

  • Roses, or most red flowers in general
  • Fashion
  • Learning new things & Studying
  • Cute cosmetics
  • Lingerie
  • Snow
  • Hair accessories & Jewelry
  • Anything related to her father
  • Her wings getting wet
  • Storms
  • Flat-heel shoes
  • Being woken up early
  • Churches
  • Unseasoned food
  • Annoying clients


Vivamus in risus lobortis, tincidunt magna ut, vehicula odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque sit amet arcu maximus, dictum orci vitae, dignissim leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam finibus odio eget nibh fringilla, pellentesque convallis ipsum efficitur. Proin commodo odio quis rhoncus dignissim.


Nulla pharetra tortor vitae lacinia placerat. Curabitur vitae hendrerit nisl. Nulla facilisi. Morbi aliquet, lorem sed pellentesque blandit, leo justo rutrum turpis, nec finibus justo tortor non lorem. Mauris erat felis, lacinia volutpat commodo quis, consectetur nec nisl.

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