Emotional Dancer



5 years, 3 days ago


[Previous Name: Jarabe]

Autobuy: USD$ 35 

Dating Duris


 Ears: Normal

Eyes: Normal

 Horns: Big

Tail: Fantasy kangaroo Mouse

Wings: Innorganic [Fantasy colored ornaments]

Body: No marks [pale]

"This clumsy drop always fall in pranks on april's fool--Everyone thinks it's just a performance of this colorful clown but no---he's just a clumsy fool."

[pet: Drop in the box - Bunny type] " This little pet loves to hide inside box and jump to scare---it's pretty cute but not good for weak hearts"

Jelly taste: Jelly tart (A mix of flavors for some reason for the jelly idk)

Age of death: 19

Age since being reborn: 11 years

Former Master: Malice



I'll m...ou...su...or an...terni...!

No more, let me die...

I don't mind playing with emotions again, a familiar feeling from long ago. I've always been able to do that, my magic, again...already, my magic, why do you want to control it? All of you, I am not that powerful...am I? I remember everything from before, the minute I was found by him. Beatings, starvation, magical tests...again. Again. AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN. I HATE IT. STOP. God, stop, I can tell their emotions, I can feel theirs but not my own. I hate it, they're suffering, I hate it...I can take my own fine. Theirs? I have to run...and I did. Somehow, I ran, somehow... Why do you look at me like that? Come on, I'm fine! I can entertain, I can keep entertaining, come on! Want to watch me dance? I can dance for you. Come on, come on, let's dance!

An Emotional Dancer taking you up in your arms, how divine...