
5 years, 5 days ago


Name Mazin Raeyn Elisedd
Age 33 Years old
Gender Cis-Male
Height 5'9"
Build Lean/Thin (approx 138lbs)
Race Tiefling
Class Druid
Druidic Circle Desert(Land)
Background Hermit
Alignment Chaotic Neutral


Strength Modifier
Dexterity Modifier
Constitution Modifier
Intelligence Modifier
Wisdom Modifier
Charisma Modifier


Dark Vision

Hellish Resistance (Fire resist)

Wild Shape (Hyena/Vulture)

"Discovery" - re: Hermitage

Natural Recovery

Druidic (Language)

Infernal (Language)

Common (Language)

Chondathan (Dialect)


Character Sheet


"I’m oblivious to etiquette and social expectations"

Mazin is an enigmatic creature, as, unlike most tieflings, his unusual and secluded lifestyle has left him without nearly as much injury and distrust towards others. Unfortunately, this is often to his own disadvantage, as it has left him all the more vulnerable to other's rebuke and mistrust of his heritage.

His isolation, as well as his late mentor's, has left him with very little knowledge about social etiquette and modern day expectations, and he struggles to keep up with others, especially in any sort of fast paced conversations. He can easily be tricked or deceived, and often finds himself angry with his own seemingly gullible nature.

His teachings of Eldath's peaceful neutrality are now pitted against a wide variety of emotions that he'd never had the privilege of experiencing, nor the tools needed to confront them, leaving him often internally turbulent. Because of this he is frequently found meditating or praying for guidance. On the surface he appears to others as calm and put together, but failing to express himself or his emotions properly to others only compounds the problem in the long-term.

Outside of social interactions, however, Mazin is relatively calm and level-headed... a quick thinker, with a good head for recognizing natural dangers and risks. A very curious sort of creature, he often seeks knowledge and understanding above all else.



  • Rain, and water
  • Quiet Places
  • The scent of wild flowers
  • Learning about new things


  • Brawls and bar fights
  • Large public events
  • Climbing/Large flights of stairs
  • Being touched without warning


"Chaotic Neutral creatures follow their whims, holding their personal freedom above all else."

Mazin prides himself on his open-minded beliefs, and leveled judgement of others. Though not a priest or true pacifist by any means, he often follows his surrogate father's teachings in regards to mediation and peacemaking. Still, he will rarely take the law into consideration on his choices, and often follows his own interpretations of events.

Ideal: Free Thinking. | "Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress." | (Chaotic)

Bond: Self-Discovery | "The winds have changed; I must seek my place in society, and discover who I am."

Flaw: Disorganized | "My thoughts are chaotic, and I struggle to find purpose and direction."


TLDR; Mazin was orphaned as a baby and raised by an old human druid who lived in an oasis in the desert. They worshiped Eldath and did druid stuff. Eventually he passed away and Mazin lived in seclusion for a long time until the awakening made his tiefling powers pop to life. Not long afterwards a stranger showed up and Mazin became very curious about the fact that there were other tieflings in the city. The stranger encouraged him to leave and probably had more nefarious intentions but Mazin was blissfully unaware and left the oasis to him so he could begin his adventure.

Assumed to be an illegitimate child born to an unknown mother, Mazin's story begins during the first monsoon of the rainy season. Set adrift the rising flood rains just beyond the mountains to the south, the fiendish child was abandoned to the elements and the desert's harsh judgements. Fortunately for him, fate had another tale in mind; he was found by an aging druid known by the name of Dorn Elisedd. As a devout follower of Eldath, the faithful human withheld judgment on the babe's inhuman features and safely stowed the child away from the torrential downpour to return to his abode.

The young tiefling was raised there, among the oasis' waters said to be carved from the harsh desert sands by Eldath herself. Growing up in such a secluded location, Mazin was sheltered from much of the begrudging judgement and cruelty show to his kind in more populated areas. As such he lived a relatively happy, but lonesome childhood, doting on his aging father and following him in his druidic practices... Dorn taught the boy both naturalistic medicine, and the survival skills needed to withstand the harsh and unforgiving wilds of the desert; but most importantly Dorn beseeched his knowledge of Eldath's peaceful dogma and kindness towards all of the realm's creatures.

Mazin was brought into the circle of the desert by his surrogate parent and mentor; a relatively small gathering, as few druids chose to make the harsh desert landscape their home. They shared their wisdom and secrets and promised the young Mazin entry into the reclusive order when he came of age. It was but a few years after that when Dorn succumbed to his age, taking the secrets of his past life with him, but still bestowing his pupil with as much knowledge and care as any one man could. He left the fledgling druid to take over his practices: offering aid and Eldath's healing waters to whomever passed through the oasis seeking refuge. Yet even with the occasional weary traveler, Mazin lived in solitude for many years. Such visits were unpredictable, and thus the only reliable contact he had were the rare meetings his circle held in between the sacred ring of great cacti and barren trees. He passed the time with meditation and exploration, often only having his own thoughts and curiosities to keep him company.

It was shortly after the surge that Mazin's true power awoke, bestowing him with a greater kinship to the earth and her magics than he had ever known-- yet, it also stirred his birthright, bringing about strange new infernal powers that had laid dormant in his bloodline. Merely a single season after this awakening the tiefling encountered an adventurer seeking shelter in peak of the dry season. The human regarded Mazin with more distrust than the relatively young tiefling had ever encountered; and, innocently, Mazin brought the stranger into his home to offer him life-sustaining water, as he had done for so many years. It was during the stranger's recovery that the inquisitive druid was indulged about the man's travels; the world of the great city and the many kind that resided within it's walls, and the mysterious Labyrinth that opened, and in exchange he shared the magical powers of his oasis home.

Laced between the strangers tale he spoke of the dreadful fiend-blooded folk: tricksters, charlatans, and malicious creatures that stalked the alleyways and seedy taverns. Despite the many comments that Mazin was "pretty nice, for a tiefling" he was still stricken with intrigue to his kind and his origins... as well as his new powers. The promise of new adventures that laid over the mountains called to him; and he took it as a sign from the deities to leave his secluded lifestyle and seek answers and new knowledge in the city.

The stranger encouraged him to leave, promising to guard the waters in his stead-- with the same pure intent and love that Dorn had given them. Mazin contacted the circle to announce his departure (which took a great deal of effort traversing the harsh landscape to their known reclusive hides) before he finally set off towards the city. He will likely never know if the stranger was indeed worth trusting with the sacred oasis, and he failed to think to question it in his journey to Lumivaara...

Allies and Enemies

Dorn Paternal Figure

Tyrin Ally


Fitz Ally


Nathair Ally


Willow Ally


Sirion Ally


Feyaire Ally


Lawrence Unclear


Gyro Ally


Solomon Ally


Arlowe Neutral


Darold Distrustful


Felix Neutral


Werner Feelings


Vux Feelings


Playn Feelings


Ivar Feelings


Larkin Feelings
