


5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Date Adopted

Apr 14 2019



He tries to appear calm and regal and elegant but in actuality he’s just a big goof who will jump at the sight of a mouse or the crunch of a leaf under his paw. He tries to act like he’s all that but would much rather snuggle up with some good friends than pretend to be stuck up. He’s really curious and probaby collects some strange things he finds here and there. He is actually kind of needy around those he’s closest to but if you call him out he’ll deny it til the end. He can have sudden bursts of engery where he goes hyper wild, running around like mad like a cat with the crazies, and wow, he is Really fast. He’s also a picky eater, but forgets what he doesn’t like, accidentally taking a bite of of something a immediately spitting it out looking around like someone poisoned him. He may be a bit dramatic. Goofiness aside, he really is proud and carries himself as such. He likes to think things through before going all in and is great at settling disagreenents between friends.