


5 years, 9 days ago


Full name: Robin Mallory
Nickname(s)/Alias: Robbie, Rob, Mal.
D.O.B: 7/26/1999 (18-19, Leo)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: American, Irish ancestry
Gender/Sex: Cis female (she/her)
Orientation: Pansexual, panromantic
Voice: Slightly high pitched and whiny, with a Midwestern accent
IQ: 90
Blood type: O positive
Current residence:
Languages spoken: English
Social class: Middle-class
Height: 5'2 ft
Weight: 100-106 lbs
Figure: Athletic
Skin Tone: Pale, covered with freckles
Eye color: Forest green
Hair color: Red/orange
Hairstyle: Long, with fringed bangs. However, she typically hides her long hair in a beanie
Physical description:
"Standing at only 5'2 ft and 100 pounds, Robin is rather small. Her reddish-orange hair is cut with a fringe, and the long parts are stored in her beanie, her eyes are a vibrant green, and her skin is pale, with an incredible amount of freckles and a large scar going down her face. Attire-wise, she almost always dons a pink, yellow and white letterman's jacket, that coincidentally has a large "R" on the back, a bunny backpack, blue jeans with a chain, a black spiked choker, black long converse, and crafted both knee and elbow pads fitted with spikes, for protection. Weapon wise, she uses a pink switchblade and brass knuckles, both of which she has stolen."

+ Adaptable, passionate, sociable, sporty, confident, funny, strong-willed.
- Abrasive, jealous, judgemental, compulsive, ditzy.

Personality description:
"Though adaptable enough to survive the apocalypse, passionate about the things she loves, sociable towards those she trusts, strong-willed, sporty, confident with her interactions, and funny, Robin can also be abrasive towards strangers, jealous of those she loves, judgemental towards basically everyone, compulsive with her actions, and a bit ditzy when it comes to strategizing and certain social situations"

Likes: Chocolate, pink, sports, snacks, dogs, fashion, springtime.
Dislikes: Zombies, being hungry, studying, thunderstorms, being cold, horror movies.
Fears: Death, being bitten
Finally be able to live a normal, happy life without having to survive
Hobbies/Talents: Sports, agility.
Occupation: Survivor, scavenger.
Education: High school, didn't graduate.
Religion: Questioning (Used to be Christian)

"Pre-apocalypse, Robin was an average teenage girl that adored girly things. She was a preppy cheerleader, however, behind her facade was a broken home life. Her stepfather was incredibly abusive, even to a point where he gave her the long scar going down her face using shattered glass after an argument while he was drunk, which she hid using makeup. Her mother was too scared to do anything, and she hated the man she had married, which led her mother to have an affair with a another man, which then led to pregnancy that she hid, and after the birth, she smuggled him into Germany so he can be safe from her abusive husband. In her high school years, she dated a popular boy, but he didn't seem to even care for her and was using her. When the apocalypse first started, Robin was walking home with her boyfriend from a football game, when her boyfriend was suddenly attacked by a rabid zombie. Terrified, Robin ran off, desperately trying to run home. She found her parents dead, being devoured by zombies in the front yard. Ever since then, Robin knew she had to be on her own, and fight for survival the best she could."
She has always been actually quite athletic, strongwilled, and confident, so when the apocalypse started, she survived."
Family: Carol Mallory (mother), Tom Mallory (step-father), Unkown biological father, Anton Green (half-brother)
Friends: Codi, Ash, Anton.
Love interest/Partner: Trent Li (crush)
Acquaintances: Atticus
Enemies: Zombies, of course.
Basically adopted Anton's dog, Rosie
Theme song(s): Bubblegum bitch - Marina and the diamonds

- rides around on a pink bike

- stole her weapons, of course