


7 years, 11 months ago


Neutral Lovedarts are one of the most rare type of lovedarts. Most people have never seen one in their lifetime. 

Some people claim them to be angels.

It is not known what happens when you encounter one. Neutral Lovedarts have been rumored to be born from complications in pregnancy, such as miscarriages, a mother dying during childbirth, or the occurance of a stillborn child.
Mothers who have reported seeing a Neutral Lovedart have reported feelings of ease and comfort, as if the Lovedart has come to empathize them.

They are almost always female passing, and have never been heard to speak. Their actions speak louder than words, however, as they are extremely comforting beings and give off the aura of calm and peace. 

No one is sure where the go after they are created. They are usually only seen once, and are never heard from again. To have one remain close to humans is practically unheard of. 



Malthel was born as a mother mourned the loss of her child, a child who never lived to see a year old. SIDS, they called it. Malthel visited the mother, his gentle, calming aura making the mother feel comforted and at ease. He didn't have to say a word, his presence was enough. When he knew his job was done, he left, and has not been seen since. Some claim to have seen Malthel while on explorations of abandoned buildings and sites where many deaths have occurred...