
🐕 astrid mortimer 🐕

the reaper's loyal hound

⚰️ 👻 🦴 💀 🐕 💀 🦴 👻 ⚰️

🎵 ~ If you think that you're strong enough
If you think you belong enough
~ 🎶

💀 basics 💀

  • name: Astrid Mortimer
  • species: Church Grim(?)
  • ethnicity: N/A
  • birthday: Unknown, celebrates on November 1
  • age: Unknown, at least 200, appears 30-40ish
  • gender: Agender
  • pronouns: He / him
  • orientation: ?????
  • profession(s): Graveyard groundskeeper

🦴 appearance 🦴

  • skin: Pale, almost pallid
  • hair: Violet-black, with sparkly lavender streaks
  • eyes:
    • left: Lavender
    • right: Violet-lavender-aqua blue gradient
  • fur: Violet-black
  • height: 6' 2" / 188 cm
  • build: Skinny, can-almost-see-his-ribs
  • other characteristics:
    • Has large, triangular, canine ears and a fluffy canine tail
    • Perpetual bags under his eyes

👻 personality👻

  • alignment: Lawful Good
  • enneagram: 6w5 (social variant)
  • jung / mbti: ISFP-T
  • sloan: RCOAN (primarily Calm)
  • temperament: Phlegmatic / Sanguine
  • zodiac: Scorpio?
  • positive traits: Cheery, level-headed, optimistic
  • neutral traits: Honest, modest, reserved
  • negative traits: Anxious, high-strung, stubborn

Astrid comes off as cool and suave, and possibly a bit creepy, and he has an unapproachable, mysterious air about him. This illusion gets shattered once he opens his mouth, as Astrid is one of the most cheerful people you could ever meet. He's friendly and earnest but intensely shy, and tries to keep his true feelings close to his chest. He's also fairly unadventurous, preferring to stick to the same routines.

⚰️ trivia⚰️


  • books: Anything he can get his hands on
  • drink(s): Black tea
  • food(s): Anything he can get his hands on
  • fashion style: Business casual; mostly black with splashes of color; turtlenecks, fluffy scarves, and slightly-too-short pants
  • movies / tv: None
  • music: Medieval folk
  • hobbies: Reading, sleeping
  • interests: Graving
  • other likes: Chocolate, fluffy blankets
  • dislikes: Water, being left alone


  • animal: Canis lupus familiaris
  • colors: Black, sapphire blue, lavender
  • elements: Shadow, Air, Quintessence
  • flower / plant: Chrysanthemum × morifolium
  • major arcana: Death
  • mineral: Amethyst
  • playing card: Six of Diamonds
  • scents: Freshly-turned soil, fresh linen
  • sin | virtue: Envy | Diligence

💀 stats 💀



  • Grim Transformation — Astrid can access his true form, a monstrous black dog with glowing eyes, on command. His teeth and claws can rend through spectral enemies with ease. This form is more powerful on the three nights of the full moon.
    • Fear Inducement — An added effect of his transformation. Anyone who looks into the grim's eyes is instantly overwhelmed with fear and dread. It also tends to activate in times of severe emotional distress.
  • Mediumship — Astrid can easily see and converse with ghosts and spirits, and can tell at a glance if a given entity is malevolent or not. He can also — if he has enough energy and if there's no other alternative — shove a ghost through the veil separating the living and the dead, essentially forcing them to pass on.


  • Crystal — A chunk of magically inert quartz Astrid keeps in his pocket. It was his very first possession.
  • Scarf — A plain, soft blue scarf. Astrid wears it everywhere.

🦴 history 🦴

Astrid was the spirit of a small town's graveyard, charged with protecting it from evil spirits and other ne'er-do-wells that may defile it. He watched over it faithfully, eventually becoming witness to the village's slow decline as a famine ravaged the town and its residents fled to greener pastures.

As decade after decade passed he became convinced he was doomed sit in in the abandoned, crumbling graveyard forever... until a witch with too-white hair took pity on him and offered to break him out of his makeshift prison, no strings attached. He didn't expect for whatever she did to turn him human, but he absolutely was not complaining when he stepped beyond the graveyard gates for the first time. Astrid, feeling like he owed the witch a debt, then followed her to her shop and has kept her company ever since.

👻 relationships👻

  • ShionRoommate, employer, indebted to(?). Astrid owes his new life to her, and believes nothing he can do can make it up to her.

⚰️ miscellaneous⚰️

  • Astrid is absolutely fucking terrified of water.