Mallory Misery.



4 years, 11 months ago





Name : Mallory Misery

Age : 28

Birthday : July 22nd

Likes : Cool drinks, Warm blankets, annoying/pranking people, his shop, his fam(Will never admit tho), most spicy food and and catnip (hue hue)

Dislikes : People, murder without cause, anything artificial, His normal face, crying in front of people and sleeping too much.  

History : N/A

Personality : Mallory is a prick, and is annoying almost 24/7, but overall a tolerable person. He's very charming to most people who don't know him, and only see how he acts around his shop. He's calm, collected and awfully nice when running his shop. When he's with friend or family though, he's such a kid. Playing pranks and just being plain silly. Might even throw a tantrum. A very naive person as well.

Fave food : Spicy chicken~

Fave drink : Vanilla milkshake

Family : Huxley Misery, unnamed dad and unnamed mom

Romantic relationships : He had a decent relationship with a woman when he was 19. Though it didn't last long, he was naive and loved her very much. Needless to say, he was heartbroken when she cut the relationship off for another man.

Theme song :

Headcanon Voice : N/AÂ