


4 years, 11 months ago


Hes a lil cute patato That comes from Mexico.

He was born in the time of the Maya's , His mother and father where leader of a Big Maya group

Sadly the Spanish wolves came and Hunted the maya's and the other clans down.

He lucky escaped and hid in a cave for ages .15535096_2mNWbFm2haObNlJ.png

Later on the land it got very cold and the winter started.

The cave started making alot of ice and Mexscal Got frozen in.

Centuries later the cave got found and He broke out his ice.

Now he's in the year 2019 he broke out of the ice and is a homeless wolf , that doesn't know what to do intill he finds a mysterious friend...

Personality : Funny,Trouble maker,Feisty,hyper active,brave,stubborn,passionate and a True friend Birthday: 18 November | Zodiac sign: Scorpio |
Age : unknown ratio, 15/17 Human Years
Nationality : Mexican |Place of  birth : South of Mexico, Guatemala 
Family status : Adopted | Family : Sunstar Oriëntation : Straight | Gender : maleHazardousness: ★★★☆☆
Theme song: Jonas brothers - CoolWeaknesses : Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violentHates :  Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people 
Theme Song 2 : Dua Lipa - Don't start now
Anthro Family : Damien Nationality : Mexican
Likes :Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion