


4 years, 11 months ago




Species: Human/god

Value: too much for you

Status: mythologic cops

HTML by @HopelessDreamer22
Image by Hollowheart7211


Full Name: Antonia Lucio

Date of Birth: 01/22/1990

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Handedness: Left handed

Age: 29

Zodiac: Aquarius

Gender: Female

Romantic Orientation: Panromantic

Blood Type: O-

  Physical Description

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Dark brown

Skin Tone: Beige

Disting. Feature: her badass latina look

Scars: no

Height: Medium

Weight: ??

Build: Ectomorph


Other: She want to attach her hair but she can't this is too dificult

Other: she look like a cinnamon roll but she could actually kill you


Proud - Collector - Badass

"We have a deal !"



Her friends and her brother

Her collection

Her weapon

Romantic novel

Make deal


Her glasses

That someone hurt her friend/brother

That someone touch her collection

That someone accuses her of being a thief

And that someone mistake her name with Anthony


Antonia grew up in a normal family with ups and downs (mostly quarrels) she quickly left home and opened her business with her brother where she can help people in exchange of some service. she is determine and does not stop under any pretext when she has a goal. She is sociable and is good at making friends and adores particularly to help Jay in his investigations which is her favorites hobby even more than make deals.

She is the reincarnation of Var a nurse god of pact and deal. Her power is that she can make deal with people and those deal can't be rboker exept if the perso die.


Other: She is kleptomaniac but never admit

Other: She never wear her glasses cause they found it ugly







Best friend

Antonia loves to annoy Jonathan very much and even if she does not show it often she appreciates him enormously and would be ready to do anything for protecting him. they both get along very well and that's why they are best friends

Best friend

Antonia often tends to have problems, but she knows that Jay will always be there to help her and that's why she's relying too much on him. Despite their constant teasing the two get along very well.


the two get along well and Antonia wants to know Lynn better but they do not have much time to see each other


Antonia found Anthony uninteresting before learning that he was the cause of all their trouble and now she wants to stop him at all costs. (she hates that people insinuate that they have "the same name")


Antonia at the beginning did not trust Jared but now that she knows him well the two get along well and tend to compete for anything and everything and especially who is the most badass.

Her creator

Antonia despite the fact that without honir she wouldn't be here Don't love him cause she found him arrogant.

friend of his best friends

Antonia finds Alexander adorable and his only desire when she see him is to protect him. She tries to teach him how to fight despite the disagreement of others. It happens to Alexander to try to flirt with Antonia to remind her that he is a man too but it never works because he is too much cute.


Antonia secretly admires the badass side of Angie and is too shy to talk to her. On her side Angie finds Toni suspicious and investigates her business in the back of Jay.


They happen to team up to play pranks to Jay and even if they get along well they do not see each other often.


these two love each other with all their heart and are ready to do anything for the other.  James is more mature than Antonia and reason often her in her nonsense and is particularly protective over her. they manage their business together.




• She loves Tortilla but never eat it cause she can only eat the tortilla of her mother

• She loves romance novel because it was the only thing to read at home when she was younger and that it allowed her to escape from the dispute of her parents


• She always wear dark clothes cause blask is her favorite color

• She always have an American fist in her pocket so you can draw her with it.


• I always crush on Badass Latina and because of that Antonia is like that xD

• She's name is Antonia because I love this type of name XD so her nickname is Toni XD(Anthony stark, Anthony Dinozzo, Tony Pedilla, Toni Topaz, Anthony J Crowley ect)

