Killian Underfirth (Anathema)



1 year, 8 months ago


  • Killian Underfirth

  • cf49710e6c8a919f7c50b1b6337fd668.jpg
  • pronouns cis man, he/him
  • species equine
  • background hidden mage
  • age 36
  • height 10.5hh, 4'5"

Giv'em the ol Razzle dazzle

A Wise-Guy. A person who thinks having a 'little fun' is worth tossing aside safety. The smartest fool you'll ever meet.


Cynical | Frugal | Con-artist | Selfish | Extroverted | Prideful | Blunt | Cunning Tolerant

Killian is addicted to being smarter and craftier than anyone else-- perhaps to make up for his shortcomings. Money-savvy, business-savvy, people-savvy; his casual and disarming charm sometimes gift him leniency for his antics. Incredibly cynical, his humor can be blunt and negative. He never accepts a favor if he can help it; Killian is frugal both his his money and his loyalty. Everyone is out for themself, and so is he. The only people who may be gifted genuine sympathy from Killian are the odd-balls: The fellow underappreciated talents. 

WC: 97


  • The illegitimate child of a married Nymenian woman (Helen) and a bachelor Ivratian man; Helen, a xenophile, took advantage of her position as the wife of Nymenian sailor in order to establish connections in Ivras. Killian's step-father (the Nymenian Sailor) passed away before he was old enough to even remember him. Helen took advantage of the situation, inheriting her husband's wealth and ship, and begins an import/export business
  • Killian grows up under the impossibly critical gaze of his mother in Nymene; inherits her fascination with Mages and magic.
  • Bullied for his interests and small stature, Killian quickly learns how fast hands and trickery were his weapons against his more rugged and battle-hardy countrymen
  • Killian becomes a troublesome young adult, dropping out of every educational insitute that Helen pays for, and squandering away money on bad company
  • Helen decides to send Killian away to Ivras, to be with his father and work (embarassingly) under one of her business partners... a step down from his previous position back at home
  • He ages up and calms down a little, realizing his hubris. After proving his capabilities to Helen and shaping up, he is granted more freedom, and eventually rises managing trade routes for his mother's company. At this point, Helen retires to Ivras and opens an shop "The King's Things"
  • Killian then becomes the face of his mother's extensive trade business. His next ambitious goal: acquiring deals with traders in Siregal
  • While most of the operations that run under their banner are straightedge and clean... Killian frequently oversees the movement of banned, illicit, or rare goods between shady buyers for extra pocket change... especially when his debt start to pile up
  • Killian, after meeting Mochrie at the Beggar And Flagon Inn, enlists his help in order to get his hands on restricted texts from the Order. One such book, which I'm going to call 'The Tome' until I develop it more (lol), catches Killian's attention
  • Rather than handing off The Tome, Killian keeps it, fascinated
  • It is through this Tome that Killian's learns there is the pulse of magic in his veins...

    WC: 350

Show Time

Power 01


Cost 01


Killian's magical abilities-- which he discovered in adulthood after acquiring a restricted tome from the Order's library-- allow him to create convincing illusions, or hide real objects as if they didn't exist. Currently, with how weak his power is, he can create a illusionary object, visually conceal an object, or change the appearance of an object as long as it takes up less than a 5"x5"x5" cubic area, w/in 10ft of him. This object's change is convincing to everyone else who lays eye on it. However, physical contact with the object reveals its true appearance to an individual. Stat increases would have the following effects: 

PowerAn increase in power would increase the size of the area his illusions can cover, and the distance he can reach with his magic
DisciplineAn increase in Discipline would allow more convincing illusions-- granting them the ability to interact w/ the environment, move by themselves, and allowing auditory elements 
A reduction in cost would eliminate Killian's reliance on The Tome in order to cast illusions
Hopefully it doesn't happen, but I imagine that should Killian's magic become corrupted, illusions begin to take on sentience and act out of accordance with Killian's will


  • Magic is weakened under specific circumstances - Killian's illusions are reliant on his proximity to The Tome. W/out it on him, he cannot create illusions

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