


4 years, 11 months ago



species- pied crow

gender- Male 

age- 17

Myer Briggs- INTJ

alignment- true neutral


Herring is a curious bird, often tired with a mysterious and brooding look on his face, Herring can be overdramatic, as well as prickly and snarky when he's been with a lot of people for too long. Despite this, Herring is friendly when approached by those he knows, though he can be quiet when he doesn't really know you. Herring is also intelligent and love solving puzzles as any crow would. 


- spy movies

- his hat

- beetles (Not to eat)

- weird facts

- strawberries

- psychology


- spiders being near him

- his feathers being touched

- very sudden loud noises (ballons being popped, etc)

- very cold weather (snows good though)

- having to be around a lot of people for a very long time

- extremely crowded places

- mashed potato 

fun facts-

- To greet people, he will sit on the outside of your windowsill and peck at the window

- loves to hang upside

- his hat will fall off often

- also likes to swing gently, when he does this, his head remains completely still

- is quite lazy and will often just sit on his friends when traveling with them

- when he doesn't fly, he will hop

- very expressive body language

- will 'talk' like a parrot


- Cha-Ching (til we grow older) by Imagine Dragons

- Dare by Gorillaz

- Everything Moves by Bronze Radio Return

- Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz

- Happy by Pharrel Williams

- Little Fang by Avery Tares Slasher Flicks

- Man on the Moon by Zella Day

- Meet me in the Woods by Lord Huron

- Sleeping Powder by Gorrilaz

- Stray Cat Strut by the Stray Cats

- Tomorrow comes Today by Gorillaz

- Viva La Vida by Coldplay