Anahi Caiwe



4 years, 11 months ago


Anahi Caiwe (AH-na-hee KAI-weh)
date of birth: 2452, February 3
27, male, bi
owner & founder of Myriad Agency
in a lovely little hush hush relationship

blackbear - do re mi
arrested youth - riot

General Information

Pretty positive most of the time. Really. Despite being diagnosed with PTSD and depression after the end of his military service, Anahi seems to be recovering pretty well after therapy (which has recently been resumed). He's a rather relaxed boss, until you lie, betray or show some kind of lack of appreciation for your friends or family. Anahi puts great value in all three things, and likely wouldn't deceive people he dislikes. He just straight up threatens them. He also makes sure to emphasize that the Agency's line of work is dangerous and reminds the rest of the employees to always be careful. Anahi can also be a pretty annoying trickster if he puts his mind to it.

Overall, Anahi is more tech smart than anything. at this point he could probably build a Luminous Co. Computer from scratch, but avoids it because of built-in trackers. Under all that (supposed) confidence and charm (which in turn stems from disastrous clumsiness) he can be rather nervous, mostly about relationships. Anahi has had a rather tragic love life, although it could depend on him being pretty rigid in his ways (and also that he refuses to stay with toxic partners   )

Anahi can't seem to remember anything up earlier than his high school years (other than memories that seem like dreams), but he isn't sure if it can be chalked up to amnesia or not. He also seems pretty pissed about his memory being shot. Anahi puts pressure on everybody else to take care of their friends & family because he's barely had any himself (at least up until now).


Has the so-called "RE" gene, short for "reflective eyes". It runs in the family and the eyes of people with RE change color in direct light.

Has some sort of vague contact with his only known/presumed family members, aunt and uncle by the name of Alke who live in the Astra district.

Anahi developed a system of taking notes with numbers for personal use. His excuse is he's better at handling numbers than words, and it also functions as a nice encryption should he need it. Only Kamil has cracked the meaning of the numbers, and they mean really mundane things (birthdays, laundry, etc).

Attuned to the magic grid, a so-called "confluence child". Being born in the right place at the right time gives Anahi the ability to tap into the grid as a sort of power supply. He can also see the Old Ones (rather than just smell or hear them) thanks to this.

Surprisingly good at coding negators, and considers magic something science can't quite understand yet.