Clancy and Ambigo



Clancy and Ambigo met a good while back when Clancy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Clancy was never much of a strong person, always put down, pushed was no surprise he was out alone so late since it didn't seem to matter anyhow. He ended up getting mugged, but the mugger lost his mask, and he sure wasn't about to go back to prison because some stupid kid could identify fear for his life, Clancy scrambled away, pleading for help from anywhere...and Ambigo answered, his eyes looming in the darkness, behind the mugger...time seemed to slow in that instant...did they have a deal? A connection had to be made...the deal was struck, desperation driving it, and the mugger...was down this creature's gullet.

It's been years now, Ambigo is always there. A driving force, not the kindest, though they have their odd moments. It's been a beneficial relationship in some ways, Ambigo won't let Clancy get pushed around, he'll bully him into things that need to be done...but it's not healthy. You see, Ambigo is as strong as a person's doubt. Clancy is full of it, and Ambigo pokes and prods in just the right way to keep him doubting himself, to keep the power balance, to stay big and strong while the little human does as he's told. But if Clancy gets more confident, then Ambigo'll shrink, and the dynamic will shift entirely.