


7 years, 10 months ago


"Wanna piece of me, huh?!"

boisterous . hot-headed . tsundere . gullible . sporty

■ Age 17
■ Height 5'8" ft | 172.7 cm
■ Weight 144 lbs | 65 kg
■ Gender Male
■ Orientation Heterosexual
■ Status ???
■ Occupation High School Student
■ Species Lovenote
■ Breed Siberian Cat

creator「pastie」× co-owner「kanlamari
About Marius


Marius is from a relatively prominent family known to be among the famous sporting personalities every generation thus far. Wanting to step away from the shadow of his father and the rest of his family's legacy in basketball, Marius pursued volleyball since middle school. He practiced tirelessly to become really good at it and become one of the best libero in his age bracket nationwide. Though because of his one-track mind his grades suffered quite a lot. To make up for his poor grades he was given various tasks by the school to gain extra credits, one of which is helping out with the Theater club where he meets a very prissy club member named "Cosette".


Marius is a hot-headed and spunky boy who seeks the thrill of subverting the expectations of those who belittle him. While prideful and temperamental, it doesn't stop him from being a good friend to have. While he isn't the type to give advice or comfort anyone through words, he is a good listener and would take action if he feels it's the right thing to do. He wouldn't have second thoughts of defending others despite the possible consequences he may suffer for it.


  • Volleyball
  • Strawberries
  • Chocolates
  • Rubber shoes
  • Cosette???

  • Family expectations
  • Swimming
  • Acting
  • Being called short
  • Cosette

「Cosette | Love Interest (?)」

A very annoying prissy short girl, as Marius views her. Ever since he was assigned to help out with the Theater club, they've been fighting like cat and dog and would often shout at each other whenever they interact. Despite how awful they may seem at first, they eventually started to care for one another especially when Cosette started to tutor him and help him out with any of his assignments. While he hates to admit it, he thinks he has started to have an involuntary crush on this annoying girl.

「Lyra | Acquintance」

Lyra is known as the prettiest girl in their school. Marius and Lyra have a neutral but pleasant relationship, acknowledging each other every now and then with simple greetings. They have known each other ever since they were very young because both of their affluent families attend yearly soirées together. While their families are vaguely considering wedding them together, the both of them are disinterested at the thought. Though he does notice every time that Lyra would talk or flirt with him, it deeply upsets Cosette A LOT.

「Thorne | Teammate」

Thorne is his varsity volleyball teammate, a senior a year ahead of him. While Thorne isn't exactly intimately close with any of his teammates, Marius deeply respects him for his skills as well as liking how he grew less passive as the years went by. They would often share the same opinions and ideas whenever the group would have certain disagreements. He deeply appreciates how Thorne usually offers advice or helpful reading materials when he's struggling with his homework.