Luciana (Stygian)



6 years, 1 month ago


luciana/luci ◆ they/she ◆ element...undecided...

- eccentric quack prophet. ENTP? they're not interested in accumulating material wealth or fame and is just obnoxiously curious about human psychology
- things she's posed as include but are not limited to: medium, psychic, an Actual Greek Prophet (this probably ended up like "haha yeah these goat organs are telling me your army has great prospects" (5 months later) "oh shit did i start a war"), fortune-teller, the list goes on
- master of all sorts of psychological readings (cold/warm/hot readings, exploiting psychological vulnerabilities), loves learning about stuff like cognitive bias
- their hobbies involve anything that takes advantage of the barnum effect, such as astrology or MBTI, and they probably run an advice column
- also probably runs a "nightmare analysis" service where your nightmare gets rated on how psychologically successful it will be at scaring people and she offers to help you improve it - i imagine sometimes she takes it way too far and asks to join you in the nightmare for a live-viewing and critique and completely messes up the nightmare by being like "your posture here is eliciting the wrong emotion from the nightmaree" " you need to phrase that differently in order to cover all possibilities of their backstory" until you completely lose your focus and want to kick her out
- talking to them is probably incredibly annoying because they treat most people like "test subjects" and will try to read you or interpret your actions or just start reading your horoscope out loud unprompted to try to figure out how you tick and see how far they can read you, but is also cheery and gregarious and a good person to know if you need info on other people (hello gossip club)
- likes luck/RNG-based stuff on principle that it elicits most fascinating reactions from even the supposedly most rational of people and incorporates it into her nightmares. i think her own luck is actually quite bad but she's aware of it in a self-aware lucky abrams type way and exploits it to her advantage, so that the bad luck either falls on someone else or she can turn it into a reading ("something terrible is about to happen to you. in 30 seconds." "WAIT WHAT")
- is slowly figuring out she needs to get with the times and nowadays people aren't so interested in watching the flight patterns of birds or examining goat organs so has been dabbling in stuff like mobage gacha, has probably also offered to sell gacha-luck improving charms to gullible people because she thought it was hilarious

- moved into an abandoned labyrinth because she thought it fit her image well. currently looking for a strong bara minotaur girlfriend to take up residence with her
- they consider it a "data collection center" where the reaction of subjects to various stimuli are recorded and analyzed, they like showing up in random parts of the labyrinth in different forms to give you hints (and will also recruit other stygians to help and show up too, she only has so many forms) and disrupt your train of thought after you think you've understood the set-up
- to most other stygians or those who aren't being dumped in for data you can just flick a switch which opens a hidden door in all the walls and lets you just walk into the center room (set up like a tea parlor) to skip the maze but she probably sometimes flicks the switch back off when people are in the middle of walking to the center for shits and giggles

design notes:
- super long shaggy bangs, eyes are never visible (it'd be nice to get a trait upgrade so they can look fancy and special but it also seems like a waste if they're never visible)
- theme animal is saturniids, i want this as the animal form but also a Gigantic Moth would be so terrifying................