Corvid La'falar Baldurr



4 years, 10 months ago







6ft 7

dwarf/elf/human or dwelfmen


Priceless :3




A shyish divine sorcer unwillingly turned necromancer with anxiety who is the son of two of the heros of the Harmony crisis. He's my second generation dnd character.









  • Magic
  • Being challenged
  • Birds


  • Disloyalty
  • Being yelled at
  • Secrets

Born as a divine soul sorcer due to his parents connection to the raven queen, Corvid felt like he had no choice but to lean into necromancy as he had a natural affinity due to the raven queens gift of some of her power. One of his biggest fears is becoming bound to the raven queen as a reaper like his parents are.


A new member of the flock

After Renn and Trileon became emissaries for the raven queen, she took an semi-active interest in their lives- she is cold and not easy to talk to- but she cares for her flock. When Corvid was born, the raven queen noticed that he had seemed to be born as a powerful conduit for necromantic energy, due to his parents both being weird half sort of dead reapers. Necromancers would be able to use his body as a vessel or focus for all sorts of terrible, painful necromancy shit, and due to this sort of conduit energy, he would be easy for necromancers to find. In order to protect her “newest member” of her flock( Renn and Trileon were not fans of any of this raven queen shit affecting their son), she blessed him with a small but potent portion of her power. The idea was that he would be able to defend himself subconsciously anytime he is in danger by unleashing pure necromantic energy towards everyone near him when he is in danger. Unfortunately, babies and children are notoriously shit at understanding what is dangerous, and everytime he cried or felt unsafe( which happens a lot because they understand absolutely nothing), the people around him would get really hurt. It did come in handy when a fuck ton of necromancers kept trying to fucking kidnapp him

Maggie unfucks shit

Trileon and Renn petitioned the raven queen to take away this “gift” but she refused to do so. They went and asked the other gods that they’ve interacted with before and maggie was able to help them in the end. She spent a year creating a perfect pendant that completely negates the blessing unless it senses malintent from those interacting with Corvid. She also took the liberty of improving the pendant idea by creating one that could fuse into corvids skin, so that it can’t just be taken off by those who want to use him for rituals. Once fused, it took on a two-dimensional design, looking like a black silhouette outline of the pendant where it was bonded to him.

Necromancy and You

When he was nine, he snuck into his Trileon study after a job and found one of the liches books, which was a compilation of the liches notes explaining the basics of necromancy and the theory of it as a sort of manifesto for others to read and study. He kept it with him and started to learn necromancy from a pretty fucked up source and he was incredibly gifted in it from the beginning(almost as if he was blessed by a death goddess). He practiced Necromancy from the liches notes in private for around 8 months until Alur caught him using it. She sat him down and talked to him about the dangers of Necromancy and he said he would stop and cried for her to not tell Trileon about it since his Fathers stance on Necromancy. Alur explained that she can’t do that and that they have to let his parents know but she would be the one who talked to Trileon about it, so as Corvid didn’t have to do it himself. He freaked the fuck out that his son was practicing necromancy and Alur had to calm him down. He honestly did not know how to how to bond with corvid after that, and over the course of the next year, they drifted apart. After a week of awkwardness, Alec showed up and became Corvids Mentor for the next eight years until the campaign started.

The tragic backstory™ elements

Around ten, a very influential cult, led by a powerful lich kidnapped corvid once again. The difference this time was that the lich(Acted almost motherly, like mother gothel or zira from the second lion king. Of course those both raised their kid they abused, and she didn’t but just that feel.) knew about the pendant-mark, and had spent the past year researching and experimenting how to get rid of it so that they could use him as a powerful conduit for some sort of necromancy thing idk. The removal process was very strenuous and painful, and he was in their “care” for only a day or two until his parents found him and rescued him. They went ham on everyone, but the main liche escaped after a very long fight. The pendant was what controlled his powers for him, so now that it was destroyed, he was blasting people left and right with potent necrotic energy, as he couldn’t control his anger/fear/frustration after what happened. Trileon and Renn asked Maggie if she could make another one, but it would take a decade for the one-of-a-kind materials to grow again, so the only option was to teach him to control himself.After years of not being able to get angry or scared, his emotions are sort of screwed- his emotional reaction is usually shying away from others so he doesn’t cause an issue because of his blessing.His family and Alec were trying to teach him to control the power and weren’t focused on the emotion, but after being corrected( even gently) he just started to force down the emotions without thinking. It’s why he stutters around people and is not confident around people, and cries as default at conflict, it’s the only emotional outlet he can use. Also one of the reasons he tends to prefer animals to people.

Trileon realizes he’s been a dick, and corvid gets corvids

A few months into Corvids struggle with his necromancy “blessing” and his emotions, Trileon realizes he’s been a fucking dick the past year, and sets off to bridge the gap he caused in their relationship. “Together” they built an aviary for Corvid to keep birbs as a way for them to close the awkward rift between them, gifting him a pair of fledgling ravens, one white( not albino) and one with the normal iridescent black feathers. He helped him raise them up like they used to with shades hatchlings, and finally was able to talk to him normally again, and started to...not understand but accept that the necromancy that Corvid is learning is a valid version of magic. Corvid’s bird have had many babies over the years, some stay with the flock while others are found a good home. When he’s home, he usually spends most of his time in his avery with his birbs, either just spending time with them, or “studying” magic. His full birb list is the og two ravens who are the leaders of the flock, one son of the first two and his handpicked mate, one daughter of the first two and her handpicked mate, and any fledglings that are growing up at the time, a few of Shades descendants, shade also chills then when she wants, and a pair of crows and their kids.His birds tend to be more intelligent than most, and are very picky over who they will go with if they choose to not stay with the flock. This is why he has the animal handling skills

An inquisitor like his dad

He Became an inquisitor when he was 24


  • If he really hates you, he will not emote towards you at all, and will only speak to you in a cold voice.
  • Corvid and Renn both like seasonal tournaments( Jousting, Falconry competitions, Mounted Combat, Organized Ground Combat, Games of verbal wit and other fun things as well as craftsmen booths) so they both went to the weekend long tournaments together for bonding time.

  • He got his scales at 16
  • Renn really is his rock, despite being more like Trileon in interest, he’s closer to Renn. Not that he isn’t close with his dad now tho. .
  • He has an actual recurring dream where he is flying around the plains as some sort of mythical creature, the world suddenly being bathed in a very bright flash of light, then plunged into darkness with only glowing foliage as a light source. He is pulled towards a particular path of bioluminescent mushroom( or are they crystals… it keeps changing) and he always wakes up before he gets to the end of the path.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.