
The All-Seeing Sightwing, or simply Sightwing for short, is a wise being living within the darkest depths of the forests surrounding the Kingdom of Arwyn. It's a very cunning and intelligent creature that can learn to speak, and it uses that to its own gain. Travelers seek it out for advice, and the Sightwing will give them advice in return for favors. These favors can be something as simple giving food or something as dangerous as stealing an artefact from the one of the kingdoms - it all depends on how generous the Sightwing is feeling that day. If someone comes to it and is unable to complete the favor, then it will hunt and devour the poor traveler, unless the traveler can manage trick the Sightwing or create a deal.

When not 'advising' yearning travelers, it is a rather lazy creature that resides in a mossy cave. It prefers to wait for prey to come to it, or to trick people into giving it prey. It also is intelligent enough to set up traps, or to convince travelers to set up traps for them.

The 'eyes' on its wings glow in the dark. The wing-eyes can't actually see, but the can move their 'pupils' to make it seem as if they are watching. This is most likely meant to scare away larger creatures, to keep them from preying on it. If you ever see glowing yellow eyes in the darkness of the forest, it could very well be the Sightwing.

Its wings are coated in a dark-brown moss-like substance that drapes down the wings. This substance is the not naturally part of the Sightwing, but it has probably grown on it since the creature oftentimes spends a lot of time staying in one place, lazily letting others wait on it. However, the Sightwing doesn't often use its wings anyways - when it isn't lazing around, it prefers to walk rather than fly.