


4 years, 10 months ago



Name Anapos
Designer aceae
Gender Genderless, typically referred to as male
ObtainedBought from designer
Significant Other None
Rules [info]
Species Deity

RoleGod of the seas


  • Color changes depending on the warmth of the water around him
  • His markings do not have to be exact. They ripple and change with the water, sparkling and churning constantly.

Anapos is the ancient nomadic God of the seas. Ranging in size to his whims, he may be as small as a guppy or large as a massive tidal wave. While he spends most of his time leisurely floating the open oceans, far from humankind, he is known to have a deadly temper and has caused many disasters on the past when provoked or angered by mortalkind. While later following the collapse he spends more time hibernating in the deepest parts of the sea, in his earlier years his presence was a sign to be wary, for any that did not respect the laws of the ocean were subject to its vengeance. He has a long standing feud with the God of Nature- often referred as a brother figure, as the sea doesn't care for land dwellers nor their home anymore than land dwellers care for the sea. The most bitter of these rivalries is with the goddess of thunder(on behalf of protecting Nature as her patron god) whom Anapos has gotten into more than a few altercations with, quite a few times ending in one or the other's deaths before being revived once their souls regenerated. For this reason the goddess of thunder avoids the sea. 

Anapos often comes across as entirely animalistic, having no desire toward human views of things. He doesn't speak, doesn't desire company, and lives mostly similar to a true shark in the waters. While he has been known to hold grudges and remember those who have spited him- its by far his most "human" trait. Generally he does nothing more than swim the waters, prowling his territory since he lacks a reason to eat. He is typically ambivalent to ships or mortals so long as they don't provoke him through attacking him, harming sealife, or polluting his waters/disrupting the ecosystem. He has been known to even rescue ships of those who respect the seas ways from time to time- proving his memory can go the opposite of vengeance as well.


  • He has never taken a human form, and wouldn't choose to. When forced to attend meetings with other deities or interacting with people on land, he would sooner take the form of a seal or a small floating fish instead. 
  • His "God" form (natural form) is pure water. Appearing as a shark became later. While he can interact with things/be as 'solid' as he chooses, he can dissolve into water at any time or change his form as well if desired. 

Anapos was one of the first gods, forged from magical residue soon after the creation of the world's following his "Brother" Nature. The two constantly spat in their early years over the land and sea, eventually coming to compromise what Isethef would inevitably become. While Anapos is a very powerful God in his own right-and to some extent, he never ascended to becoming one of the universal gods, choosing to stay a power only in the home realm of the universe. This was lack of a desire for power and as well no desire to leave his home. 

He doesn't interact with the other gods, and as a result is regarded as a neutral deity. His only care is to protect the sea- and nothing more. He ultimately isn't "evil", but he isn't interested in associating with the other gods for anything less than a world-ending-catastrophe (given that would, ultimately, threaten his oceans.)


  • Swimming, drifting in currents
  • Those who treat the sea with respect
  • Stars (the "Above Sea"), far beyond him
  • Calm waters

  • Storms, the goddess of thunder
  • Pollution disrupting his ocean
  • Overfishing or cruelty to wildlife
  • The land

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.