Magnolia Grey



4 years, 10 months ago




 Name Magnolia Grey

Age 22 years

Birthday July 6 | ♋

Gender Female

Height 5'10"*

 Species  Dainty

 Alignment Lawful Good











Magnolia is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy human man and his dainty mistress, and though she was never legitimatized, her father doted on her and gave her anything she could ever want. She's a bit spoiled and naive as a result, and now as an adult she mainly concerns herself with ladylike and leisure-class activities, even though she isn't very wealthy and relies on gifts from her father and the endeavors of her roommate, Ivy, to remain monetarily self-sufficient. She is very kind, comforting and concerned about other's opinion of her. However, she is very honest and optimistic, and she tends to speak her mind and her truth as she perceives it. Her salvia tastes faintly like rosé champagne. She'll occasionally carry around a parasol because she likes the look of them.

In addition to her dainty ears, she also has some antlers. They add a good couple inches to her height as well*, so she sometimes gives off the impression that she's taller than she really is. She also likes to decorate them with flowers occasionally. Interestingly her father's side of the family has a long and somewhat mysteriously wealthy lineage. There's a bunch of not-so-distinguished (and sometimes downright criminal) legends surrounding the origin of the family fortune, but Magnolia really isn't all that concerned with all that. They don't consider her a real member of the family, anyway, so why would she?

"Everyone wonders if it's worth it all. I'm not sure,"

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