Valythari Mahariel-Arainai (Relationships)


Basic Info


Zevran Arainai

Soul Mate



Adopted Family

Brothers: Alistair, Fenris, Eilian

Sisters: Leliana, Merrill, Velanna, Seranni, Seren Hawke

Grandmother: Wynne

Mother: Ashalle

Other Significant Relationships

Solas, Flemeth

Dorian, Anders, Cole, Morrigan, Varric, Isabela, Nathaniel, Sten, Sigrun, Carver Hawke, Felix Alexius

Keeper Marethari, The Architect, Justice

Alistair; best friend, brother figure, the one she trusts most. His reactions mean the most to her; at first she judged humans based on how he reacted. Eventually turned responsibility for the Ferelden wardens over to him. "Song brother" = sulahn'isa'ma'lin
Zevran; one of the first non Dalish elves she's ever trusted. He's helped her through much of her grief over Tamlen. Loves, her life partner.
Leliana; respected and trusted friend. They stayed in touch all along, Leliana just let the Inquisition think she didn't know where Val was.
Morrigan; honestly intimidated by at first, but has grown to respect her and now trusts her judgment second to Alistair/Wynne/Zevran. Indebted to, owes Morrigan and her ritual her life. Dearly missed, but she won't break her promise and go search for her.
Sten; Respected, trusted to guard the gates of Denerim during the final battle. Was surprised to find out that he respects her now as well.
Shale; Friend.
Wynne; Grandmother figure, values her advice and trusts her opinions next to Alistair/Morrigan/Zevran. Respected, now mourned.
Oghren; Initial distaste for his mannerisms, but he's proved himself a valuable ally so she puts up with it. Friend.
Arl Eamon; knows he means a lot to Alistair, but otherwise no real opinion. She does regret that she allowed Isolde to sacrifice herself. Grateful to him for his help.
Anora; Getting a better opinion of. Ally.
Loghain; Hated.

Anders; Trusted, friend. Doesn't care that he's an apostate; has defended him before and would likely do so again. Besides, she owes two different apostates her life! Alistair informed her via letter that he had fled the wardens and gave her some hints as to what caused it. Feels incredibly guilty since she introduced him to Justice in the first place. She'd still defend him if needed and probably has. Totally didn't expect him to resort to blowing the Chantry up, however. Years after the fact, has begun to understand. Aware he's now in Vigil's Keep in the custody of the Architect. Keeping this very quiet.
Nathaniel; Surprisingly, trusted. He proved himself a willing and able ally during the fight against the Mother. Maybe someday he can rebuild the Howe name. Made him Alistair's advisor before she left, hopes they get along.
Sigrun; viewed the other rogue's passion as inspirational. Dear friend. Hates, however, that she couldn't keep Sigrun alive in the end. Dearly missed.
Justice; Neutral toward him at first, but now that he's bonded with Anders she's wary of him again. Post Chantry explosion, she dislikes him. Seems to believe he drove Anders to this.
Velanna; swore she'd help. Doesn't want the other elf to go through any more pain. Almost like a sister, a trusted friend.

Marethari; decidedly unsure. The Keeper meant a lot to her during her childhood, but after hearing how the clan treated Merrill and finding out that Marethari had harbored a human noble who wished her dead, Valythari is torn. Nevertheless, mourned and dearly missed.
Merrill; Sister figure, her last remaining clan mate. Would defend at practically all costs. Understands where Merrill is coming from, especially after she realized Tamlen would want them to reclaim it.

Seren; Respected, friend. Appreciates that she's keeping an eye on Merrill and Anders as well.
Fenris; Unsure of at first, until she learns more about him. Turns out they're a lot alike. Considers trustworthy, friend.
Isabela; Friend. Trusted thanks to Zevran.
Varric; Appreciates his efforts in keeping Merrill and Anders safe. Trusted.
Carver; trusted.

Cullen; disliked/pitied after encountering him in Ferelden's Circle, but gained some respect for after watching him stand up to Meredith and more during DA:I. Neutral/positive leaning.
Eilian; Friend, something like a younger brother? Watches out for.
Dorian; Curious about. Knows he's Tevinter, but senses a certain openness in him and therefore trusts him.
Solas; Hahren, respected. They don't keep secrets from each other. Basically the bond Solas had with Mythal, he now has with Valythari.
Felix; kindred spirit of sorts; trusts? Indirectly recruited into the Wardens, sent Nathaniel and Carver to Minrathous after him.

Blackwall; can't sense the taint in him, knows he's lying. Distrusted... until she finds out the truth. Eilian gives him to her for judgment and she immediately puts him through the Joining. When he survives, she changes her mind.
Cole; Likes. Feels like she has a good bit in common with him anymore.
Flemeth; Respected, grateful to.