Kriss Baptiste (Spy AU)



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Hopeful Art Teacher, Husband and Father, Surprise Spy Spouse, Ride or Die


Kriss lived a pretty ideal life--- pursued a career in art education, found a good man, married him and helped raise a family--- until there is an incident and it is revealed that his life will no longer be so simple?? turns out, your husband is a retired spy, Kriss, and you'll have to help him hideaway with a stranger??? wuh oh!!

in all seriousness though, the whole process of finding out Andre is a spy and that their lives are potentially in danger from taking in a scared Lucky and leaving behind his new career and young daughter is very scary-- but Kriss doesn't have alot of time to think about it, his sense of loyalty to his husband and responsibility to keep those in need safe are kicking in gear big time! even though he's absolutely terrified when Andre has Kriss take Lucky to hide somewhere, he keeps relatively cool, even comforting Lucky. "it'll be okay", he says.

 its a promise to both Lucky and Kriss-- Kriss has to believe that this is true or he will just stop functioning. don't worry, Kriss will have his time to decompress and cry about their predicament later!! he takes comfort in doing the right thing and above all else, knowing that his hubby has thought this out all beforehand. they're gonna be ok, their future will get back on track soon enough, and who knows, maybe their new friend Lucky will be a permanent part in this future...

oh, we do know though. they fall in love!

(Kriss' avatar art is by Darby