


4 years, 10 months ago


status: mated

age: 13

gender: cisgendered female

sexuality: not applicable


MAIN: Hyper, bubbly, loud, curious, outgoing 

TRIGGERED: Malicious, violent, emotional, defensive

Carousel's past life with her family as short-lived but happy. She was taken in by Surt-Lim and quickly rose through his ranks until she was his right hand. Alice--Surt-Lim's son--grew quite fond of her after a while. The two were close but Carousel's feelings never breached platonic. She was a heartless young woman who killed anyone and everything she was ordered to. Surt-Lim thought she was completely enveloped by the power and abilities he had given her until she was told to kill an innocent wolf pup. She refused, revolted and after leaving a trail of bloodshed behind her--her final rampage--Carousel escaped. What Surt-Lim didn't know was that she took with her the pup and another young wolf. Carousel found the pack and was taken in quickly.

Her traumas and life as a mindless murderer has left Carousel with severe post-traumatic stress disorder that, once triggered, makes Carousel revert to how she was when she worked for Surt-Lim. During that time, almost nothing short of physical restraint can stop her.  Only time and occasionally her mate can calm her once she is restrained.