


4 years, 10 months ago


status: not mated

age: 17

gender: cisgendered male

sexuality: homosexual

personality: withdrawn, cautious, level-tempered

Eshen remembers well his life before his family was killed by a pair of powerful and ruthless twins. He was the runt of his litter and generally fairly weak since birth. Because of this, he was not chosen to be a member or Surt-Lim's pack or a Halfling. Eshen should have been killed and he almost was but a compassionate person saw that there was a human town not too far away and turned Eshen into a Halfling regardless. Maybe there is a human doctor or at least someone who can care for a sickly young boy. Because without his pack, this poor thing would be dead anyway. At least as a human he has a chance.

Thankfully, he was found by someone in the town a day later. Eshen was taken to Octa who did all that he knew how. Unfortunately, Eshen will always be sick but with help from medicinal herbs and thick sweaters, Eshen lives in relative comfort.

He's been a member of the town since he was about five or six. While he knows he is a wolf, he doesn't make it a habit to shift forms out of fear that it may cause more harm to his frail body.