Claire Novak



9 years, 3 months ago


Claire Eleanor Novak

Birthdate March 10
Place of Birth Pontiac, IL
Relationship Status Single
Parents Amelia Novak, Jimmy Novak
Siblings None
Human Face Carey Mulligan


While no one thing stands out as a particularly special about Claire to anyone who knows her, there’s many things that are part of the whole of her. She’s an early bird and a morning person, enjoying waking before most other people and watching the sun rise, squeezing in a run before work or school, and simply enjoying the peace before the world starts going full throttle.

Claire is friendly and warm, something she inherited from her father. She makes friends easily, though she doesn’t have many very close friends due to things that have happened in her life and things she worry may happen again. She’s well liked at school and work and people rarely have anything negative to say about her. She is also strong willed and determined, in both mind and spirit. Now that she really, truly knows there’s more out there than what she can see and feel, it only empowers her to do better.

However, Claire is quite secretive and doesn’t like talking about her family outside of childhood memories. If pressed about it, she’ll become very terse and snappy. Her relationship with her mother isn’t the best these days, either, but it’s also something she doesn’t like to talk about. She also harbors more than a little bit of bitter anger at the angels - and Castiel - for taking her father away.


Claire was born during the Easter season to Amelia and Jimmy Novak. Her childhood was nothing special, but rather average and typical in most ways. She attended school and got good grades, she participated in school plays and choir, her family attended church on Sundays and she went to Vacation Bible School in the summers. Her parents loved her and her father doted on her. Her life was happy and normal until one day when she was thirteen and her father walked out on their family.

At first, she was angry, but then she was more sad than anything. It didn’t make any sense why her father left. There was no reason for it and, while her parents had been a bit tense around each other in the last year, Claire was sure it was nothing so serious to make her father leave them. Her mother told her he went to get help, that he was ‘mentally unbalanced’. The explaination didn’t make any more sense and, for a few months, her grades faltered and she just wasn’t herself. Her mother chalked it up to teenage hormones and there was no further discussion of it. Eventually, things seemed to level out and life at home, while there was a distinct void where her father had been, returned to some sort of normalcy.

Almost a full year later, completely out of the blue, her father returned home and asked to stay. Her mother was wary, but accepting and Claire was elated. Her daddy was back home! It was a great day. She couldn’t even muster up the effort to be angry about his sudden absence. But the reunion for the Novaks was short, as demons attacked and then everything, figuratively, went to Hell.

In the commotion, Claire was possessed by the angel Castiel, the same one that used her father as a vessel for the last year. While possessed, two demons die by her hand. Eventually, Jimmy begs Castiel to take him back as a vessel and spare his daughter, which he does agree to. Claire is left safe, but certainly not sound.

After that, her and her mother never seemed to maintain the relationship they had before - one which was very good, even despite the typical teenager annoyances. Her mother wanted to, much like before, pretend nothing happened. Claire’s father simply left them again, there was nothing more to discuss, especially not this business about angels and demons. Claire, on the other hand, had been irrevocably changed by the experience and couldn’t simply sweep it under the rug. She spent her time - without letting her mother know - researching and learning more about angels and demons. Certainly more than church had ever taught her, but never nearly enough to understand why this happened to her family.

The research isn’t her life, however, but she knows she can’t go back to a completely normal existence after going through what she went through. However, she does try. She wants to enjoy what she has right now, and the focuses on school and her job. She socializes and makes friends easily, but at the back of her mind, she’s always wondering where her father is, if those Winchester brothers are taking care of him, and if he’s okay.

In between trying to live life, Claire was not oblivious to some of the things happening around the world. Especially so when the weather began changing, when tragedies began happening, when everything felt like it was going to come apart at the seams. She also was not oblivious when, abruptly, all of that stopped.

Now, she’s considering taking a year off of school and work after she graduates soon to ‘travel’, she keeps telling her mother. To 'see the world’ when, in reality, she wants to try to find her father.


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◆ Claire isn’t a big fan of angels, especially after they took her father from her and, basically, destroyed her family.

◆ Claire can understand Enochian, the angelic language, but she cannot speak it.

◆ Claire can be recognized by other angels, as she is a vessel and a vessel which once contained the angel Castiel.

◆ Claire is looking for her father, though that is difficult when she’s only in high school. Still, she reads up on strange occurances around the country and tries to make sense of where he could be.

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Sufjan Stevens - For The Widows In Paradise, For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti
I have called you children, I have called you son / What is there to answer if I'm the only one? / Morning comes in Paradise, morning comes in light / Still I must obey, still I must invite / If there's anything to say, if there's anything to do / If there's any other way, I'll do anything for you

Sufjan Stevens - Chicago
I fell in love again / All things go, all things go / Drove to Chicago / All things know, all things know / We sold our clothes to the state / I don't mind, I don't mind / I made a lot of mistakes / In my mind, in my mind / I drove to New York / In a van with my friend / We slept in parking lots / I don't mind, I don't mind / I was in love with the place / In my mind, in my mind / I made a lot of mistakes / In my mind, in my mind

Cake Bake Betty - Gigantomachy
Speaking in tongues you've got gin in your belly / Yes something was wrong from the start / With eyes wide and dark you have something to tell me / I carry your bones in my heart / Riding on horseback he came / Darkness in his fingertips, eyes just the same / Told me there was no one to blame / I was all the while clenching the omen you gave to me / Rise with the sun and the skies are wide amber / I dreamt of your calling again / You told me to run from temptations of grandeur / That come with the visions of him

Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child
Upon the hill across the blue lake, / That’s where I had my first heartbreak. / I still remember how it all changed. / My father said, / “Don’t you worry, don’t you worry, child. / See heaven’s got a plan for you. / Don’t you worry, don’t you worry now.” /

The Mountain Goats - Maybe Sprout Wings
I clawed my way to the living room window / Stood there in the cold / The last bits of my dream like figures in the distance / Hard to hold / I thought of old friends / the one’s who’d gone missing / Said all their names three times / Phantoms in the early dark / Canaries in the mines / Ghosts and clouds / And nameless things / Squint your eyes and hope real hard / Maybe sprout wings




