Necia Baljor



9 years, 8 months ago


Nimue, Na'Im and Necia were three sisters. Necia was the youngest of the three, Na'Im (the middle sister) was 14 when she was born and Nimue (the eldest sister) was 16 when she was born. The two elder sisters knew of each other and grew quite close. When their sister was born, they found it difficult to not interact with her before she turned 5. The little Necia was bullied greatly due to her unusual hair and her late magical manifestation. She was born with a white streak in her hair, and her magic did not manifest itself until she was 12 months old. The water society younglings had not been taught magical theory as of yet (that would come later) and were of the opinion that a late manifestation was a sign of magical weakness. The elder sisters knew the opposite was true. The elder sisters were nearing the end of their schooling when Necia entered. They immediately sought her out and it took all of her training to not break down. Little Necia, the one whom they claimed nobody could love had for her sisters, the prodigial ritual master and ward master . She was in a large shadow and try as she might, she could not achieve what they did. When Necia was just 15 years of age, her eldest sister Numue was one of the most sought after Ritual Masters in the Society, having spent only 6 years (versus the standard 10 years) studying Rituals before gaining her master and her other sister Na'Im being in her third last year of warding studies under the highly acclaimed Master Aria.

That year, without the help of her sisters and the success of her sisters weighing heavily on her, her classmates began to pick on her. It culminated in a group of young males cornering her before attempting unspeakable things on her. In defence, her still developing and untamed magic lashed out and killed 6 boys. Nobody survived the bloodshed. Even though it was proven that she acted in self defence, to kill is still a major crime in Water Society. The punishment is usually death but seeing as it was self defence, for the first time, a student was expelled from a Wacadem.

She was placed under strict watch and was slated to complete the ritual to strip her powers. Her eldest sister requested to be the one to strip her powers as she 'wanted to say goodbye to her little sister' before she was cast into the Decae caste. Instead of stripping her of her powers, an appeal was made by both elder sisters to Lady Magic and Lady Water to help their younger sibling. Saddened by the loss of immense power that Necia held, Lady Magic decreed that first her water magic would be strippped, thus fufilling the punishment, and then she would bestow Fire Magic of equivalent power onto her and deage her (with all her memories intact). However to complete the bargain, Necia needed to give up something precious to her. She chose to give up her right eye.
Lady Water, wanting to do something for this misunderstood childe of hers, gave her a beautifully enchanted gem that fit into her eye. This gem allowed her to call upon her sisters in times of need. The gem was a representation of Lady Water's favour so when Necia returned to the Water realm, she would not be forced into Decae or alienation.

Necia bid farewell to her sisters, promising to visit once she came of age.

Well that my little story is finished, let me introduce the girls!
Necia - Fire Elemental mode AGE: 20

Necia - Water Elemental mode AGE: 35 (15+20) //// 'no longer able to access this mode. Her mind has lived through 35 years but she's only 20 physically