


4 years, 10 months ago


Name Tielo "Till" Vitera
Gender Male
Age 22+
Birthday September 17
Species Human / Abreteran
Height 5'8"
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Actor / Thief

Too poor to afford living within the fortified walls of the town surrounding the King’s Castle, Till became orphaned at a young age after witnessing the death of his family at the hands of a Vahrian soldier. He had been spared only due to having an eye color similar to that of the Goddess Aelia, the killer announcing that it would have been sacrilegious to harm him before simply taking her leave.

Till went on for years to live as an urchin, learning how to steal to get by from a group of older boys before being offered a job from a man he had unsuccessfully attempted to pick-pocket. Afraid that he would be turned in if he refused, Till accepted the man's curious offer, and accompanied him back to his caravan. Once there, Till found himself amongst several others who had come from similarly war-torn backgrounds as himself.

Though he had never imagined himself capable of acting, the owner of the Pale Mask Acting Company praised him for his performance, paying him generously for his service despite only speaking two lines throughout the entire play. Having never recalled hearing a word of praise before, Till found himself wanting to stay with the group rather than return to the dirty streets he'd known all of his life.

It took time for Till to adjust to being around others constantly, but eventually it was revealed to him that the Pale Masks were in fact an undercover thieves guild, and throughout the years, he came to view the group as a family of which he is unwaveringly loyal to.

These days Till is an incredibly talented actor, and an even more talented thief. He favors smaller speaking roles and ones that involve stage combat, often using his part in performances as an alibi whenever suspicions of theivery arise.

  • Stargazing
  • Theatre
  • Thievery
  • Fresh bread
  • Vahrians
  • Sycophants & Unctuous behavior
  • Night terrors
  • Vulnerability