🛡 ─ dima



4 years, 9 months ago



dima crellin
5 july
half vampire
lawful neutral


in the dimly lit halls of the castle, amidst the flickering torches casting eerie shadows upon the stone walls, there strides a figure cloaked in darkness. his armor gleams dully under the feeble light, a testament to countless battles fought and countless foes vanquished. yet, behind the polished facade of his armor lies a soul as turbulent as the stormy seas.

chapter i.

once hailed as a hero, dima stood tall amongst the bravest knights of the realm, his sword arm renowned for its prowess and his heart for its valor. yet, fate is a fickle mistress, and even the noblest of souls can fall prey to its cruel whims.

it was on a moonless night, amidst the ruins of an ancient castle shrouded in mist, that dimas destiny took a sinister turn. in pursuit of a vile necromancer who had unleashed terror upon the land, dima found himself face to face with a foe more insidious than any he had encountered before. with a whisper of dark incantations, the necromancer unleashed a curse upon dima, transforming him into something neither living nor dead. the bite of the vampire pierced his flesh, infusing him with unholy power and binding him to an eternity of darkness.

chapter ii.

at first, dima struggled against the darkness that threatened to consume him, clinging desperately to the remnants of his humanity. yet, with each passing night, the hunger grew more insatiable, driving him to feed upon the very lifeblood of those he once swore to protect. haunted by guilt and remorse, dima roamed the countryside, a shadow of his former self, his once noble visage now twisted by the curse that bound him. yet, as the years wore on, even his resolve began to wane, his soul teetering on the brink of oblivion.

it was then that the whispers began, a sinister voice that wormed its way into dimas mind, promising power beyond imagining in exchange for his allegiance. at first, he resisted, but the voice grew stronger with each passing day, until finally, it consumed him entirely. and so, dima became a vessel for a malevolent force, his body a puppet to be wielded by the dark entity that now possessed him. no longer a knight of valor, he became a harbinger of doom, spreading terror and despair wherever he roamed.