Fa'sien Krusk



4 years, 9 months ago


The Tabaxi tribes of the jungles are mostly nomads, they use the land as they need and they constantly move within the jungles. Their neighbors: the Tilotui Snake Empire, however, continuously tear through the jungles and seek to colonize the traditional Tabaxi lands. 

To prevent this Matriarch Rokar called the first unification of the tribes in order to counteract the increasing pressure of the Snake empire upon the jungle. 

Fa'sien has been on the front lines for many of the land disputes between the cat tribes and the snake empire. He's seen first hand what snakes can do and harbors PTSD from being on the front lines and was a slave to a High General snake before being saved by his sisters. He's been treating patients of the snake empire his entire life, but he's somehow managed to stay on the brighter side. He doesn't like to share what has happened to him and only his parents and Elasrin know the extent to how much he was hurt. Family is the end all be all for him and he will do anything to protect them.