


4 years, 9 months ago



Name Aurora
Masterlist Entry Swan Cake
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Gender Female
Species Sushi Dogs
Role ballet dancer
Magic Ability Aroma
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Aurora magic allows whoever is in contact with her feather flowers to feel relax.


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Aurora has all the traits to what most princess have: elegant, graceful, humble, polite, wise and selfless. Her one true calling is to dance like the elegant ballerina she is.

As princess like she seems it does not mean she won’t back down from a challenge. Aurora has always has this aura of wisedom and confidence that some Sooshes find a little wary at times. Though it was because of this aura and her gentleness towards younger Sooshes that caught the eyes of two Sushi Dogs. One would become her best friend and the other the love of her life.

Aaron, who Aurora always called ‘Sir Aaron’ (and is the reason why he is called Sir Aaron all the time now), was one of the first Soosh to interact with her. He likes to protect her like any knight would and not because she is a princess or if she was (or wasn’t) a damsel but simply believes that Aurora will bring positive changes around and wants to be able to support her. Especially the fact that being around her brings Rainer out of his feather shell.

Rainer, would later become Aurora’s beloved, was one of the very few Swan like Sooshes she’ll ever meet. At first, she just wanted a close friendship like Sir Aaron but overtime she sees that Prince-like side of him. Not like the movies that she’ll some times see Roxas and his friend watch of heroics and sweeping off the feet (she’ll read and listen to Roxas sighs on but it wasn’t her cup of tea in life) but the gentle and honestly he always gives. Aurora loves the fact that everytime she visits Rainer, he is with some of the younger Sooshes he cares for with his best friend Hoseok.

If anything, Aurora is not only Rainer’s Swan Princess but he knight as well with how many time he seems to get into trouble (not that he caught a it but ends up in)


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