AU Is Gold



4 years, 9 months ago


Universe Name

placeholder image
Type world type, i.e, anime, fantasy, scifi, etc
description of world.
This part i want to figure out if i can make it scroll.
Let's put lots of info, at least a few text bits in.
okay i also need to somehow not have it look janky


more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy

Universe Name

placeholder image
Type world type, i.e, anime, fantasy, scifi, etc
description of world.
This part i want to figure out if i can make it scroll.
Let's put lots of info, at least a few text bits in.
okay i also need to somehow not have it look janky


more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
more about the character, this will be the most basic, with options to make it more pizzazy
you can literally put anything in here
even other codes (so long as the creator is okay with that.)
i would suggest NOT putting codes with tabs on it, personally. mostly because i broke mine badly lol.
even specality codes can work.
feel free to edit to your heart's content