Victoria Earl



4 years, 9 months ago



"Is yer anger affectin' yer 'earin, mate, or are you jus' dull?"

❥ References

❥ Gallery

❥ Theme

【 Profile 】

NAME Victoria Tala Earl
Apache Girl
L'ttle Miss (only by Alfie Solomons)
Tori (only by Bonnie Gold)
BIRTH DATE February 27, 1898
AGE 27
ORIGIN Small Heath, Birmingham, England
ALLEGIANCE(S) Blade Syndicate (Co-Founder)
Peaky Blinders

Victoria Tala Earl leads a Birmingham based criminal gang alongside Theresa Ang McCarthy called Blade Syndicate.

Because of Victoria’s close relationship with the Shelby family, the Peaky Blinders and Blade Syndicate became allies and business partners when Victoria and Theresa first formed the gang. Victoria works closely with the Peaky Blinders. She often aides in small tasks, secretly makes side deals to help strengthen the alliances Thomas Shelby makes with other gangs, and will work in their office as a temporary secretary when needed.

【 Story 】

Early Life

"Papa Theresa is like a 'orse! Big an' could kill ya, but gen'le!"

Describe the early years of your character.

Sed pellentesque massa sed dui euismod pretium. Praesent pellentesque a metus in tristique. Vivamus vel purus neque. Etiam vitae neque arcu. Curabitur venenatis in ex nec elementum. Integer pretium auctor scelerisque. Nunc at laoreet sapien. Etiam dignissim tempor tellus, vel accumsan est efficitur in.

Teenage Years

"I don' need me brothers to fight for me. I fight me own ba'tles."

Describe the teenage years of your character.

Vivamus dictum lacus quis vestibulum porttitor. Nam quis consectetur lorem, at blandit leo. Cras id facilisis odio. Pellentesque a tempor arcu, quis iaculis eros. Sed blandit tempus aliquam. Fusce facilisis quis tortor interdum tempus. Mauris feugiat risus non libero hendrerit, quis hendrerit lacus suscipit. Praesent sem dui, molestie ac nulla id, ullamcorper posuere nisl. Maecenas eget vulputate tortor. Curabitur lacinia ex augue, vitae consectetur diam malesuada in. Nulla pulvinar eu erat sit amet gravida. Etiam aliquet odio velit, vel convallis quam rhoncus at. Phasellus dictum pharetra ex, eget pharetra mi tristique eu. Cras nulla magna, congue vel libero nec, placerat scelerisque ante. Nam eu mollis enim, id pretium elit. Donec id gravida justo.


"Jus' because I slept in a stable most me life don' make me an untamed 'orse. Pol saw to that."

Describe the adult life of your character.

Fusce sagittis id leo et pulvinar. Suspendisse et nunc in justo consectetur sodales. In rutrum ac felis in hendrerit. Ut gravida tempor urna quis euismod. Quisque pulvinar a risus sit amet vestibulum. Aliquam ultrices, augue quis varius hendrerit, mi turpis varius lacus, vitae commodo tortor nisl vitae lorem. Proin convallis volutpat libero eget congue. Proin at arcu in nisl maximus posuere ultrices gravida diam. Aenean rutrum velit vel ligula egestas, ac condimentum nulla fermentum. Aliquam sit amet vehicula ante. Aenean et sem fringilla, malesuada sem vel, tempor neque. Praesent auctor a libero sit amet fringilla.

【 Personality 】

Describe your character's personality.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt nisi tellus, eget eleifend risus scelerisque quis. Vestibulum vitae cursus est, a molestie arcu. Pellentesque sollicitudin risus quis dui blandit, sit amet commodo urna dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam pharetra ipsum non tincidunt euismod. Vivamus venenatis venenatis libero in aliquet. Suspendisse suscipit ligula eu pretium ultrices.

Sed pellentesque massa sed dui euismod pretium. Praesent pellentesque a metus in tristique. Vivamus vel purus neque. Etiam vitae neque arcu. Curabitur venenatis in ex nec elementum. Integer pretium auctor scelerisque. Nunc at laoreet sapien. Etiam dignissim tempor tellus, vel accumsan est efficitur in.

Vivamus dictum lacus quis vestibulum porttitor. Nam quis consectetur lorem, at blandit leo. Cras id facilisis odio. Pellentesque a tempor arcu, quis iaculis eros. Sed blandit tempus aliquam. Fusce facilisis quis tortor interdum tempus. Mauris feugiat risus non libero hendrerit, quis hendrerit lacus suscipit. Praesent sem dui, molestie ac nulla id, ullamcorper posuere nisl. Maecenas eget vulputate tortor. Curabitur lacinia ex augue, vitae consectetur diam malesuada in. Nulla pulvinar eu erat sit amet gravida. Etiam aliquet odio velit, vel convallis quam rhoncus at. Phasellus dictum pharetra ex, eget pharetra mi tristique eu. Cras nulla magna, congue vel libero nec, placerat scelerisque ante. Nam eu mollis enim, id pretium elit. Donec id gravida justo.

Fusce sagittis id leo et pulvinar. Suspendisse et nunc in justo consectetur sodales. In rutrum ac felis in hendrerit. Ut gravida tempor urna quis euismod. Quisque pulvinar a risus sit amet vestibulum. Aliquam ultrices, augue quis varius hendrerit, mi turpis varius lacus, vitae commodo tortor nisl vitae lorem. Proin convallis volutpat libero eget congue. Proin at arcu in nisl maximus posuere ultrices gravida diam. Aenean rutrum velit vel ligula egestas, ac condimentum nulla fermentum. Aliquam sit amet vehicula ante. Aenean et sem fringilla, malesuada sem vel, tempor neque. Praesent auctor a libero sit amet fringilla.

Curabitur ac lectus pharetra, aliquet arcu ornare, molestie diam. Sed at nunc non lorem laoreet efficitur vitae non ante. Phasellus euismod, tortor eget egestas accumsan, massa erat mattis eros, vitae ornare libero enim id arcu. Sed at lacus luctus mauris laoreet scelerisque tincidunt a elit. Phasellus tristique sed ante id volutpat. Integer facilisis metus felis, ut efficitur ex sollicitudin ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla ante mauris, molestie imperdiet mauris vitae, imperdiet condimentum ligula. Quisque lacinia posuere magna, a finibus felis iaculis fermentum. Sed fermentum mi ac eros gravida faucibus non quis mauris. Vivamus a justo ac enim bibendum dignissim. Sed sollicitudin tristique facilisis. Sed sit amet venenatis sapien, eget posuere tellus. Aliquam nec suscipit lacus.

【 Details 】


Victoria is of Latin origin, meaning Victory. Tala is of Native American origin, specifically of the Seneca tribe, meaning Wolf. Earl is of English origin, meaning Warrior.

Rozene "Rose" Halona migrated to Birmingham, England in hopes of fleeing from the persecution she and her family faced when they chose to stay in Upstate New York. When she married Timothy Earl, she was adamant about keeping part of her heritage within their child's name. Being love-struck, Timothy Earl agreed to name the child whatever name his wife wanted.

Victoria was a difficult pregnancy for her and Rozene relied both on her beliefs and rituals, as well as that of the sister of her husband's best friend. Rozene believed that her own customs paired with Polly Shelby's helped Victoria survive. She regarded her daughter's birth as victorious. Thus, naming her Victoria. She felt it was important to give her a name that would be more commonly accepted by the people of Birmingham. She didn't want her daughter to face the same trials that she had to go through.

Tala is Victoria's middle name. Rozene wanted to be careful when giving her a name that would allow her heritage to live on in her. Victoria did not receive the name until she was two-years-old. During that time, Rozene noticed that her daughter exhibited the traits of her birth totem, the wolf. As she watched her child and the Shelby children interact, she saw that the children quickly became a pack. If any of the Shelby children were hurt, Victoria felt that pain. If the Shelby children were overly excited, she felt that excitement. Victoria looked up to Tommy the most, whom would often look after her and keep her tranquil during the turbulent times of a rambunctious and wild two-year-old. Passionate, caring, and loyal, Rozene felt Tala was the perfect name.


  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Animals
  • Flowers
  • Warm Weather


  • Grace Burgess
  • The racetracks
  • Water
  • Tea
  • Guns


  • Plays piano but cannot read sheet music.
  • Has an interest in language. She is fluent in Romani, moderate in French and Mandarin, and knows very little Russian
  • Spends her free time aiding horse trainers.
  • Tricking and beating up abusive men and pimps with Theresa
  • Baking


  • Plays piano by ear.
  • Somewhat of a blacksmith, but can only make small blades.
  • Knife-throwing.
  • Can shoot pistols and rifles.
  • Nursing techniques.


  • Food: Coconut Kisses
  • Alcoholic Beverage: Whiskey
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverage: Milk and honey with a cinnamon stick
  • Colour: Orange
  • Animal: Dog
  • Holiday: Christmas
  • Season: Winter
  • Time of Day: Dawn
  • Genre of Music: Classical
  • Genre of Literature: Poetry
  • Genre of Movies: Comedy

【 Quotes 】

❥ “A man I met recen'ly said tha' intelligence is a valuable thing, but tha' it oft'n comes far too fucking late. Well, lucky for me tha' I’m not very bright."

❥ "You will fin' tha' I’m not yer typical woman."

❥ "The world couldn' care less abou' you and yer hardships, mate, so why should I? We all suffer. It's really jus' a mat'er of grabbin' life by the balls, twistin' 'em 'round a bit, and showin' life who's in charge."

❥ "Fear of an action an' fear of a person are two very differen' things, mate. I'm not fearless, I'm jus' not 'fraid of you."

❥ "Tommy boy, I love ya an' all, mate, but you are one bloody fuckin' idiot."

❥ "If I close me eyes, I can’t see 'em. If I close me eyes, I won’ be as scared."

❥ "Yer askin' me to form a truce wi'h Satan ‘imself."

❥ "Yer an intelligent man, Mr. Solomons. Yer eyes, they’re constan'ly analyzin’. They look for a reaction you can play off of. Is a good trait, but I thin' tha’s wha’ also makes you a very dangerous man. Tha' sor' of thing can fin' you in trouble, you know."

❥ "You offer a deal or death. Yer either goin’ to take the deal or kill me, not both. You never do both. If you kill me, though, you star' a war wi'h the Peaky Blinders. And the coppers in their employ. And Blade Syndicate. Mr. Solomons, is tha' a war you think yer men can 'andle?"

❥ "Firs'ly, 'er name's Theresa, not Chink. Secon'ly, I'm the only one allowed to call 'er Chink."

❥ "Victoria…is too proper of a name for an Apache girl."

❥ "You 'member wha' I said to you the day we met? I tol' you I wasn’ afraid of you. Tha' still stands, mate. If you 'ave such an issue wi'h me mouth, then do somethin' abou' it. Don' stan' there an' rant at me. Hit me, mate, fuckin shoot me if you mus'. Be a fuckin' man abou' it if I've offended you, but don' do me a disservice by treatin' me like some feeble woman, eh? I am everthin' but."

❥ "Ah, but there's a very fine line between bein' clever an' bein' intelligent, innit, my friend? You see, bein' clever is usin' a dyin' car to make you believe yer bein' shot at. Bein' intelligent is not showing up to this l'ttle meeting at all."

❥ "If'n death is a whore who consorts wi'h all men, then does tha' mean death has the clap?"

❥ "A cat don' actually 'ave nine lives, you know. It only has one. It jus' happens to be smart enough to cheat death nine times. Tell me, wha' number do you find yerself at now? "

❥ "It’s not perfect, it’s not paradise, but I love Small Heath. If I die, Theresa would be fine. I know the Blinders would take care of 'er. Would my brothers be upset? Yeah, but they’ll move on. They 'ave to. But…the women and girls of Small Heath. I do wha' I do for 'em. I wan' 'em to feel safe. I wan' 'em to live happy lives. I don’ wan' 'em to live with the same fear or anger or nigh'mares tha' I do. I guess, to pu' it simply, my answer is I do what I do for the love of Small Heath."

【 Relationships 】

Theresa McCarthy
Best Friend & Sister

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Alfie Solomons

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Thomas Shelby
Close Friend & Brother

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Arthur Shelby
Close Friend & Brother

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

John Shelby
Close Friend & Brother

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.