Climbing Vine



4 years, 9 months ago


Traits [Bunny]

Eyes: Normal

Ears: Normal

Horns: Tiny

Tail: Heart

Wings: Demon

Body: No marks (Pale)

Jelly taste: Spinach

Age of death: 21

Age since being reborn: 7 years

Current Master: Hildebrand van der Heide (37, Adventurer Instructor, Former Adventurer) and his wife Willemijn van der Heide (34, Teacher)


I'm so tired, let me sleep forever...

Solid trees and vines dot the landscape as I peer about, taking in everything with light eyes. What a beautiful scene, how breathtaking, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. Not before, but now. Yes, the now, how interesting life was when I was a mere bubble, and yet I want to shapeshift into something more. I'm happy, happier than I was before, and I know this. I try to change, shifting, shaping, filling the world with a new presence, a different form. And when I managed to grow limbs, I look up at the vines and smile. Yes, this would help test it out nicely. I hop over and start to climb, thinking my life is now this.

A Climbing Vine...