Safari (Kandi Queen)



4 years, 9 months ago


Safari (Kandi Queen)


Name Safari
Title Kandi Queen
Age 31
Gender Female
Height 5'7
Build Average, kinda skinny
Sexuality Bisexual
Relationship Status Married to Khatija
Occupation Queen of Kandi Land

She is a independent and loyal queen of her kingdom. She cares a lot about every single person in her kingdom but it causes her to do risky things for people. And she's super self-conscious about herself do to the fact that she's from a royal family. She's scared of what would her citizens and other royal people think and say about her.


  • She's kinda in the closet about her sexuality, almost everyone knows except her parents.
  • She doesn't drink at all. Hates any and all alcoholic beverages
  • She prefer not to wear 'big, puffy, royal dresses' like most queens are known to do. She likes big sweaters aka her main outfit and jumpsuits.
  • Her parents are retired, and has moved to a villa in another kingdom. So other then phone calls, she doesn't see her parents often.
  • She didn't invite her parents to her wedding, they don't even know she got married or is in a relationship
  • Her favorite genre of music is R&B
  • She's usually pretty busy with managing the kingdom in the day, so at night is when she gets to spend time with her wife.
  • She sometimes joins Khatija when she livestreams. She's not the biggest gamer, but she enjoys play some every now and then.
  • Her red lipstick and crown are NECESSARY
  • She has different outfits, so check the tab if u want to draw her in a different outfit, or u can come up with a outfit if u want.



Khatija [ Wife ]

My love and best friend! I really adore her. I want to help her be more active and not just sit around all day.