
aliases Sae (Pronounced like "Say")
age 20's
birthday/sign June 28th/Cancer
species Feline
gender Agender (they/them)
height 5'3"
build Curvy and pear-shaped; very wide hips and big thighs, smaller chest; a little bit of a chubby belly
orientation Demiromantic demisexual (Preference for femininity, but not necessarily JUST fem-aligned people)
job Artist (does online commissions mainly)
status Alive | Taken by Bo
mbti INFP
flower Lavender
song Playlist

designed by Milkpuffs
obtained Trade!
value 20$, but closer to priceless,,
trade/resell No! If interest is lost, they're going to go to Bobo!

Design Notes

  • Salem has a variety of piercings, including snake bites, industrials, and earrings (TWO sets in the "lobe," one larger and purple and one smaller and black). These are NOT optional!
  • They can really wear anything! The main outfit I like drawing them in is their pentagram harness underneath an oversized, black and white striped sweater, so if you wanna do that then go for it! I'm also in the process of putting together other outfits for them to wear, such as their button-up look and more. Otherwise, have fun coming up with outfits, or just draw them in their harness!
  • Their tail is VERY long and fluffy, it reaches the floor while they're standing at least. Please keep this in mind!
  • Dont' be afraid to color-pick from their ref when drawing them! I'd like their colors to remain pretty consistent! (Though mild differences due to lighting/style is fine)
  • I'd prefer them to be drawn as more of a flat-faced anthro, but giving them a muzzle is fine! Just be aware that they're a feline, so don't make it too long!
  • Their hair ALWAYS covers their left eye, no exceptions! Please keep this in mind!
  • If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!


  • They adore anything soft and cuddly. Be it blankets, plushies, pillows, sweaters, anything at all, they're okay with it! They especially love collecting and cuddling with cute plushies.
  • They get comfort very easily in the form of cuddles and affection. If they're down, then a surefire way to help them feel better is to hug them and reassure them that everything will be okay.
  • They really, REALLY love rocks, minerals, and gems! They collect rocks and crystals and have them on display in their room at all times. They get really excited whenever people ask about them, and are always willing to tell the stories behind them.
  • They have a pretty massive sweet tooth, and love anything sweet. Their favorite flavor is lavender, though they also love lemon, peach, chocolate, and cinnamon a bunch. They especially love lavender ice cream, though they know it's pretty hard to find and typically make their own instead.
  • They really love warm beverages! Be it tea, steamers, cocoa, cider, or coffee, they love it all! They especially adore London Fogs with added lavender syrup.
  • They adore art in any form. Especially digital art and writing. They find it to be a really relaxing way to vent out the emotions they don't think they can say out loud. They try their best to rely on it to cope, though it doesn't always work. Because of this strong emotional message that lays in their art, they feel VERY strongly about it. They won't let just anyone look at their personal works.
  • They are pretty scared of the dark, moreso when they're indoors than outdoors. They like the night, especially the night sky. However, when they're in a completely dark area, they tend to get more anxious than usual. They swear they see creepy faces in the dark, and every little creak in the floorboards or rustle in the wind scares them a lot more. They tend to be better in the dark when they're not alone, but they still prefer to keep a light source on at all times.
  • Surprisingly, they're not easily scared by horror-type media, like movies and games. In fact, they typically like the genre a lot. They think that they can handle it so well because they know that what's happening in said media isn't real, so it's not as bad to them.
  • When it comes to the people they care about, their mind will often jump to the worst possible conclusion out of anxiety. For instance, if they send a message to a friend and they don't respond for a long time, they'll often worry that they may have been hurt or died somehow. They know that this isn't the case deep down, but they can't easily stop the thoughts when they creep up on them.
  • They have a very vivid imagination, and are great at visualizing things. While this is often great from an artistic standpoint, it can be very tricky to manage when she gets scared.
  • They really like playing video games. Surprisingly, their favorite genre is honestly hack and slash/character action games. However, they also deeply love rhythm games, RPGs (especially action RPGs), some platformers, and "cozy" games (think like Animal Crossing.)
  • While they are very introverted, they still do have their moments when they want to meet new people and socialize a bit more. It's not necessarily uncommon for them to approach people they become interested in. However, they're typically still very quiet and shy with them, so it can be difficult to get the message across that they truly do want to get to know them. They are much better at this online however.
  • They have a fascination with birds, especially crows and ravens. They really love them, and adore observing them whenever they gets the chance.
  • Their sleep schedule fluctuates constantly. They tend to wake up pretty early, the latest they'll ever get up being around 9:30 in the morning. However, they can fall asleep anywhere from nine at night to two in the morning, if not later. It's never really consistent, and despite what steps they take to make a routine, they're never really able to keep it consistent.
  • While they do appreciate their alone time a lot, they still like having people around. If they're staying somewhere with one or two other people then it can be really nice for them. However, being around any more than four or five for an extended period of time will seriously tire them out. They need time and space to "recharge," in a sense.
  • They really like to keep up on their hygiene and appearance. They're very soothed by bathing and thus do it pretty regularly, and they know how to cut their own hair and groom themself so they look their best. They put a lot more time into it than they realize at times, but it does make them feel more comfortable and confident in themself to do so.
  • They have some stomach issues mainly caused from their moods, as far as they're aware. When they get really upset or anxious, they'll get a very bad stomach ache and start shivering a lot.
  • They struggle at times with feeling like a disappointment. They worry that they're a burden to those around them, and that they are more trouble than they're worth. They try their best not to let this get to them, as they know deep down it isn't true, but it can be very hard for them.
  • They adore scented things. Especially candles and soaps, they really love those. They love the scents of lavender, lemon, cinnamon, pine, and coffee especially, but also gravitate toward other types of scents. Especially more "masculine" scents are nice to them.
  • They tend to prefer more masculine terms despite their slightly more feminine leaning appearance. They especially love being called "king." They also love being referred to by endearing plant terms (especially flower names, and especially buttercup), honey, and fruit terms like sugar plum and peach.
  • They struggle badly with dermatillomania. If they have a sore, they're very prone to pick at it relentlessly. They have plenty of scars under their fur thanks to this habit. They know this is bad and are trying to stop, but it's easier said than done.
  • While they are typically introverted in public, they can be much more open online. They like having long phone calls and conversations with friends, watching them do things like playing games or doing other activities. They can actually get surprisingly loud and goofy when they're allowed to.
  • They dealt with a lot of hardships in their past, many of which have left them pretty shaken and changed to this day. They struggle with repression of these events especially a lot, but know they happened.
  • Their memory is very strange. They can remember a lot of events very clearly, even back in to their early years, and often get haunted by tiny embarrassing events from years and years in the past. However, there are some things that they just completely fail to remember. For instance, with particularly distressing events, they can forget many of the details within minutes of said event having happened. Some things stick out, but most just get blurred. They get frustrated with themself over this, feeling "crazy" because of it. They know things happened, they know that they hurt and they feel the pain from them, but they just can't remember enough to feel like they do justice describing it to people.
  • They worry about seeming like a liar. In some of their worst moments in the past, they were accused of lying and weren't given the help they needed. Especially with the issues in their memory of events they really want to speak out about, they worry that they won't be believed.
  • They really love plants of all kinds. They like raising them especially. Their favorites to raise are succulents, cacti, and herbs/spices. Especially lavender, they love raising their own lavender.
  • They have an interest in wicca, and really the concept of witches in general. They love learning about them, especially the concepts and practices, and like to incorporate it into their daily life where they can.
  • They really love cooking and baking! They have a huge collection of recipes from their family, and they always love finding and testing more. They especially love cooking with others.
  • They like a wide range of music. Surprisingly, some of their favorite songs are actually quite "angry." They like a lot of rock and metal, and they feel like they can relate to it a lot. However, they also like softer, happier songs. If they absolutely had to pick favorite genres, they tend to lean toward rock, alternative, and artcore the most. But even that's a stretch.
  • More later!


Salem is a very sweet and gentle, albeit very introverted, person. At first, they are very shy and anxious around others. They often won't speak to new people very easily at all, and they greatly dislike being forced into loud or crowded areas. If they decide to go after that energy on their own then that's one thing, but they still like to keep to themself. They tend to be very quiet with people in general, and typically find themself sitting and observing on the sidelines rather than being active in the conversation. They're slow to warm up to most people, and it takes a lot of patience to get to know them. However, once they finally do open up, they are unwavering in their support and trust. With those very close to them, they can get really talkative. They have a large passion for their interests, and will go on tangents about them to anyone willing to listen. They can be surprisingly goofy and playful, and love opening up their sense of humor to those close to them. They're incredibly sweet and supportive, always being there to listen and help out whenever people need them. They're great at giving advice, and love making their friends smile with it. They are very much the "therapist" of their group in a lot of ways, something that they feel honored about. They can also get VERY cuddly and affectionate with those they're close to. They'll often hug or cuddle with those they're closest to, and always have sweet praise and/or gifts to give to them. They want everyone to feel their best, and will do whatever they can to help insure that. They have a very nurturing demeanor and are often construed as being the sort of "grandparent" in their friend group. They're wise, mature, and can be very philosophical, while also being sweet and funny. Alongside opening up a lot more in a social standpoint, they'll often show off a lot more of her personality around those they know well. They're very creative and bright overall. They have a very imaginative and active mind, one that works as both a blessing and a curse at times, and they love creating outlets for themself in the form of art. They are often very ambitious and idealistic, letting their head wander into the clouds a lot about what could possibly be. While they may seem a bit spaced-out because of this, that's contrary to their typical behavior. In truth, they're very smart, and combining that with their strong self-motivation produces a very capable and hard worker.

However, they do still have their flaws. They're very moody and sensitive overall, and it's very easy for their moods to shift on the drop of a dime. They can go from cheerful and dreamy to sad or anxious very easily. This can take a toll on their motivation as well, causing them to fluctuate between being very active and wanting to do nothing but curl up in bed and sleep. Their very active mind often doesn't help in these cases either, as their racing thoughts can take them from mildly upset to completely devastated. They typically try to hide these feelings away and repress as much as she can, mainly for the sake of others around them. They worry constantly about upsetting or losing those they're close to, and they want to keep them happy whenever they're around. Thus, they'll often act cheerful and optimistic around others, even if they don't feel that way inside. However, especially when they're alone, they cry very easily. They'll often only turn to others for help when they've gotten to a point of emotional distress that they're having trouble hiding anymore, or if they think it may make them yell. They absolutely HATE yelling, and admittedly even speaking in a voice much louder than a whisper will make them somewhat uncomfortable. Alongside this, they often have trouble standing up for themself. They're a bit of a paradoxical person. They have too much pride to sit there and take poor treatment, but are too scared to really do much about it. Instead, they tend to be quite the pushover. They often take whatever treatment is given to them until it gets unbearable for them. They're trying their best to work on being more assertive, but they often needs support from those around them in order to actually do it. They struggle a lot with habits picked up from their past, such as apologizing too much and getting very bad choice anxiety. They overthink things a lot, and will get themself in a spiral very easily. They have fluctuating feelings on their self-worth. They want to love themself and be loved in return, but sometimes they find themself hating every little thing about themself. They struggle at times with feeling like a failure, disappointment, or burden. While they struggle to remember the exact words, they know that pain from their past has stuck with them into the present and dictates a lot of their current actions and situations. Furthermore, they struggle with really putting themself first a lot of the time. They want others to feel happy, and they care deeply about those around them. Thus, they'll often give too much of themself to those they care for. They're too sympathetic for their own good, and even when people treat them poorly and they feel mad or upset, they struggle to actually form feelings of hatred from it. They realize their issues, and do their best to try to remedy them. They don't want to be held down for their whole life, after all.

header two

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

header three

Donec cursus tempor sagittis. Proin dolor augue, malesuada ac tortor placerat, dignissim posuere odio. Morbi orci ante, mollis vel massa at, tristique fringilla quam. Donec tincidunt metus ac dolor finibus sagittis. Morbi posuere sem a lacus luctus pulvinar. In ut arcu in massa scelerisque imperdiet sed sit amet odio. Proin mattis sagittis urna, id ullamcorper eros. Praesent tristique, augue quis feugiat volutpat, tortor ex condimentum nunc, at egestas sapien ipsum nec mauris. Vivamus pretium egestas pharetra.

Duis non scelerisque velit, non ultrices mauris. Donec elementum fermentum risus aliquet tristique. In a sem in ipsum tempus lacinia non et quam. Suspendisse et augue nec mauris aliquam fringilla id sed nulla. Mauris eu ante a metus porttitor feugiat ac sed ipsum. Donec lobortis elit id urna dictum lacinia. Duis nisl nibh, commodo id metus ut, feugiat eleifend nunc. Vestibulum malesuada est sed justo pharetra, sed sollicitudin odio maximus. Sed a nisi id lacus pharetra finibus. Cras ullamcorper leo at sagittis porta. Nulla dapibus, justo in suscipit molestie, libero mauris pharetra eros, et iaculis arcu ipsum sit amet felis. Pellentesque mattis congue urna et congue. Curabitur commodo leo a lectus fermentum interdum.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.
