


4 years, 9 months ago




Name Waspblossom
Called Waspblossom | Wasppaw | Waspkit
Age 34 Moons (Start of LCC)
Sex Female
Rank Warrior
Pronouns She/Her
Clan Marshclan
Voice Claim tba???


  • Optimistic / Hot Headed
  • Compassionate / Impulsive
  • Determined / Overbearing


  • Marshclan
  • Kits
  • Competition



Waspblossom is a feisty, upbeat, and competitive cat. Never one to back down, she greets each new day with vigor. Much like any other Marshclan cat, she loves a good competition. A bit of ribbing is to be expected, but she's gracious about it when she does lose. Being a skilled figher, she doesn't often lose a paw to paw tussle. Other types of competition are more of a toss up, and she revels in the challenge of trying something she isn't skilled at. If a task needs done, she leaps at the chance to help her clan. An optimist at heart, she's always looking for the positives in any situation.

Having lost her parents young, she feels a strong familiar bond with the entire clan that helped her through her loss. The monarchs of that time helped raise her after the loss of her parents, and from the time she was a young kit she admired their role in the clan.

She has a deep love for kits, and has always desired to have her own. Unfortunately, she was born unable to have kits of her own.

This never let stopped her from helping out with the kits in the clan anyway though. Liking to keep her paws busy, it's not uncommon to see her lending a paw to the Monarch's when they need a break. Or just playing with the kits in a free moment. At times, she can be a bit overbearing. She's fiercely protective of the kits, apprentices, and monarchs of the clan.

Waspblossom is distrustful of outsiders and other clans. She can be a bit hotheaded when it comes to defending and protecting her clan from perceived threats.


As a kit and apprentice, Waspblossom was shy and timid. She lost her parents to a storm surge flood, and was left to the care of the Monarchs of Marshclan. It took her a long time to come ot terms with the loss of her parents and fear of water.

She overcame her intense fear of water in her apprenticehood by saving a kit who had wandered from the watchful eyes of their parents and Monarchs. After this feat, she started to grow out of her shell. Her warrior name was given in part to her nurturing nature, but also how her personality blossomed after she overcame her fear and loss.

Waspblossom likes to say she just hasn't found the right cat to settle down with for her own biological kits, but those especially close to her know she's unable to have her own. Not one to stew on it, this took her down the path of a warrior rather than a monarch. Learning to fight well, and to protect and defend those of the clan who raise the next generation fueled her determination. Most cats expected her to become a monarch despite her lack of biological kits, but she found a new calling in making sure her clan was well protected.


  • Waspblossom still has a minor aversion to water. She prefers to catch prey that lives outside of the water if she can help it.
  • She is infertile.
  • Waspblossom is bisexual, with a preference towards cats who identify as female!
  • Her favorite prey item is crab. She loves the crunch.
  • wwwwwwww



Tatteredbranch [ Mentor ]



Leopardfang [ Ex-Partner ]

Leopardfang and Waspblossom's relationship fell apart when Waspblossom realized she was unable to have kits. This was a hit to her own personal plans, and Leopardfang got caught in the crossfire of Waspblossom shifting her lifes direction.


Character [ Relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

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