Cyrus Grishaw



4 years, 9 months ago



Inovative . Hardworking . Flippant . Bull-headed

Name Cyrus Grishaw
Called Cyrus/Cy
Gender Male
Age 29
DoB tbd
Sign tbd
Height 5'7
Build Lean
Race Enhanced Human
Role Engineer
Alignment Chaotic Good
Theme Song Link


  • Robotics
  • Rabbits
  • Aw0001
  • Working


  • Cold Coffee
  • The smell of cigarettes
  • Canned Food
  • Sleep


Cyrus, unlike his AW0001 pal Barachiel, is a fairly jovial person. Even if the smile on his face might be more of a smirk, it's still playful enough to not be off-putting, and he's the type of person who'll greet you without really thinking about it. He does have a pretty sharp tongue, though, and won't hesitate to go off on other people if they deserve it. He can also be a massive nerd when it comes to stuff he enjoys, able to talk for hours if not stopped.

Cyrus grew up with his paternal grandmother, watching her interact with her AW0001 when she wasn't working or looking after her grandchild. Once he was old enough to be interested, he got to hang out with Barachiel as well, quickly taking an interest in his grandma's companion and his world. At the tender age of 8, he was in an accident which caused him to lose his right arm, and he was home from school to recover for about 2 months. During those months he spent his days together with Barachiel, the two of them becoming fast friends. It was also at this time he developed an interest in robotics. Mainly for his own sake, having been fitted with a cybernetic arm, but also for the sake of his friend.

His grandmother eventually transferred the partnership with Barachiel to Cyrus, feeling that she'd grown too old and that the two boys would be happier together. The three of them still spent time together on the daily, up until Cyrus graduated from university with a degree in engineering, at which point he moved to a small apartment located a bit closer to his job at AW0005 HQ. Thanks to that job he managed to save up to buy Barachiel his own android body, and put in a good word for the AW000 when he applied to a vacancy in the security team. Now they've been hanging out in the flesh for the past five years, and thanks to their combined salaries managed to rent a fairly nice 2-bedroom apartment. They go visit grandma together at least once a week, if nothing else but to eat her homecooked food and hang out as a family.





Barachiel is Cyrus' Aw000. They're like brothers and share an apartment together. Lovingly bicker with each other, like siblings are wont to do.


Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.