


4 years, 9 months ago


  • Sa'vaehiel'ah

  • Age ???
  • Gender Male
  • Race Seraphim/Night Nymph Mix
  • Role ???
  • Affinity Lightning

"What a hassle."

In a somewhat permanent resting-bitch-face, Sa'vaehiel'ah (sah-vey-eel-ah) is a lot more friendly than he looks, though he doesn't have the same patience as others might do. His moments of irritation or outbursts of anger are rare, but it is not wise to push him to his limits, lest you be faced with bolts of lightning stabbed into your body to shut you up. He has a sort of regal air surrounding him, but his actions will otherwise tell you he lived a commoner life - one that he finds much more comfortable and less stifling.

Due to his living circumstances growing up, he was always taught to be careful and mindful of his surroundings, adding in an additional layer of skepticism and judgement after some unwanted encounters. However, despite those encounters, Na'aia was able to mingle with other personalities and behaviours - he is fairly comfortable with touchy individuals, and will hardly bat an eyelash should one choose to be somewhat intimate.

Na'aia (nah-ay-yah) is a nickname that he gained over the years of his life for two major reasons: 1) people got lazy saying his actual name and 2) his personality and abilities matched the name of a mythical goddess of lightning, Na'aeyra, sister to the god of twilight, who showered the Earth with shards of lightning in her rare moments of anger.


DoB: ???
Nicknames: Na'aia, Nala
Origin: ???
Height: 6'4"
Build: Lean
Demeanor: Wandering
  • High, quiet locations
  • Playing keyboard-based instruments
  • Empathetic people
  • His siblings
  • Prodigies
  • Fire users




After a long struggle between a former friend, Na'aia rests in a small home of his own in a quiet, touristy town by the oceanside. He picked a prime location of sheer cliffs and neighbouring mountains, filling in his quiet heart with ease.


Generations are defined by three major characteristics, listed as shown:

I. A Generation begins when said individuals give rise to the next bloodline of species. They are the trademark of their species and therefore are also known as "purebloods". Variations that branch off from breeding with other species most creates lesser species. Some of these variations, or mix breeds, move onto to be their own Generation and in turn be their own "purebloods". Although not all those considered a Generation provide the branch of life, they are considered unique in their own right.

II. The power a Generation holds must greatly surpass the average individual of the given specie. In a sense, there is an ability that sets them different from the rest. Abilities range from both offensive to passive, heavily dependant upon the current environment. Interestingly, each Generation is separated by this defining ability, marking the beginning of a new era.

III. Generational individuals have an extended lifespan, given the species that they are, for unknown explanations and reasons. Abnormal in age, Generations also act as sages of wisdom, as they have witnessed natural disasters and other plagues of events. It has been noted however over the more recent years that this condition seems to be wavering, with newer Generations living shorter lives.

When Na'aia was born, the First Generation had already existed, ranging from a couple thousand years to the more recent three hundred years. At that time, it was unclear whether or not Na'aia would be considered part of the next generation as two of his siblings were already considered the Second Generation, but his father saw promise in his talent and behaviour and continued to insist that he was one.

Being considered one of the Generations was not something that concerned Na'aia, nor did it interest him to even consider starting a new branch of life. What he was more interested in was exploring the world, visiting high altitude locations which in turn would be a secret of his own. He abhored the life of home, where his domineering and strict father would control every aspect of his life the moment he showed any promise, and his relationship with his mother was nonexistent as his father took him away from a young age.


The defining ability that the Second Generation had was an abnormal healing rate. Faster healing meant faster mobility at the expense of weakened bodies, and vice versa with slower healing but stronger bodies. Being of the latter, Na'aia was planning on living a quiet life among the commoners, blending in and remaining silent about his abilities, waiting for a moment to pass quietly as well. That is, until a man arrived at his doorstep.

Of the First Generation, Na'aia opened his door to find an old and very fragile man. Concerned that this stranger came to his door late at night with a storm brewing close, Na'aia welcomed him into his small home. He had an idea of who this man and what his purpose here was for, only to confirm his suspicions when the man gave him a pendant before they slept.

A Keeper. Known to wield Spears of Pride, only those who could resist the temptation to use its power for other personal means were allowed to wield it. The old man, having recognized Na'aia's disinterest in coming to power, forced the role onto him. Na'aia was displeased, but he couldn't really disobey. Being chosen meant that a gap had to be filled, and there were very few candidates to begin with. A balance of overseeing individuals of concern was necessary, and Na'aia had to accept that. To strike down a prideful individual meant taking that pride away. Giving them the feeling of nothingness was needed.

Misplaced Infatuation

Taking upon his new role as a Keeper, Na'aia constantly clashed with his other brethren. This came as a surprise, because he assumed that they would all be working together, but in fact they were all quite individualistic. In a way, that was them being prideful in their work, and that wasn't something that should have been allowed. Na'aia had to pondered who put these individuals in charge, but his thoughts would be cut short.

He had attracted the attention of another individual, a Keeper he was as well. They originally had gotten along well, working together as a lightning and fire duo, his friend was a prodigy in his field of expertise. Mastering fire-based abilities was difficult, and he was not afraid to show it.

Something had changed - he wasn't sure what caused it, other than his own sense of pride and power. His friend's feelings had morphed over the years, from companionship to domination. With control over the skies with black lightning that shattered through defenses, Na'aia had a powerful ability that he didn't have, and he wanted it. And the only way to have it was to take control over Na'aia, or stop him from using it entirely.

Pinned against a hard place, Na'aia called upon the help of others, both regular individuals and other Keepers. He wasn't going to be controlled, and he wasn't going to let his once-companion-now-enemy run wild either. He knew that if he struck him hard enough, even if it didn't kill him, it would at least stall his attempt to take over as he was a slow healer himself.

Having used his last resort, Na'aia had managed to put him under, narrowly missing his chance to finish him off. However, he was not left unscathed and had been badly burned in the process, along with his backlash of extreme fatigue. In an endeavour to keep his cohort alive after the given enslaught, a Keeper activated a long healing process - one that could protect him over the number of years required for him to reawaken. Encased in a crystal-like structure, Na'aia was left in a deep and long slumber.

"Despite knowing the risks that your former companion will return some odd centuries in the future, I have faith in you that you will be able to place the decisive blow. Us other Keepers will do our jobs to maintain that peace while you are gone, and to bestow his Spear onto a new successor." the Keeper sighed as he touched the ever-so-slightly warm crystal. The Keeper wasn't sure if Na'aia could hear his voice, but he at least had some comfort in the fact that his crystal structure had not rejected him. He sighed once more.

"When you reawaken is when I will pass, but feel no guilt in doing so - it is what I would have wanted to do anyway, having watched from afar. I hope that the future will treat you better, far better than your family and peers originally had."

Awakening into a New Era

In a feeling of vague familiarity and sadness, those words finally reached his ears. With sounds of something hard cracking and breaking, Na'aia made his way to push whatever was holding him back. When he finally broke free from his cage, his bare body was tired. The air smelled differently, and the sun shone warmly onto his back. Stretching his body, his wings pulled out, glimmering softly.

It had come to his sudden attention that the sounds of cracking came from the crystal that embodied him, and a large amount of eyes staring back at him in both awe and gawk.

He had woken up in the middle of a public plaza. Apparently, his crystal was found from its original location, shipped and mounted onto a display. To him, he found it hilarious and a little ironic, and the people who worked in and around the plaza were flustered and very surprised to house a Second Generation.

Seventeen hundred years. It had been seventeen hundred years since he was last awake. The rest within the crystal in addition to his own slow healing capabilities had strengthened his body faster than what others would have expected, his mind still sharp and willing to learn of the new customs and cultures. But seventeen hundred years... meant that his former companion had the time to recover as well, perhaps even stronger than when they last met.

He wasn't expecting to rest this long. They were currently on the Sixth Generation; something that surprised him greatly, having known that the First Generation's era was long. Scholars had informed him that, over the next Generations, both age and power varied considerably, more often on the shorter side. He wasn't expecting that fact either. The Generations were a dying "bloodline" now, something that he was all the more welcoming of.


Na'aia knew that he couldn't relax forever. He had that foreboding and all too familiar feeling that his former companion was reawakening to his full potential as well, and by the fact that the Keeper who sealed Na'aia away had passed away in conflict with another spelt bad news for him. He would have to prepare for the same type of events, if not expect the worst and find him still very well alive, burning things to the ground. He sighed in frustration. He really didn't like fire users that much, now with this trauma of almost being burned alive by a former friend. But there wasn't anyone else who knew his strengths and weaknesses. There wasn't anyone else who knew how his mind worked and functioned. It was only Na'aia. He could only count on others for assistance, but nothing else.

Killing a friend wasn't something he had wanted to do. Confronting a former friend who almost killed you first wasn't something he wanted to do either. He hated the fact that this was the only option for him and for others. There was no easy route.

To cut to the ending short, Na'aia was successful. His former companion had degraded from his original state so much that he was almost unrecognizable upon their first meeting after seven hundred years.

Na'aia lamented his death. Despite all that had happened, Na'aia supposed that leftover feelings had remained, only to resurface now.


Having grown tired of his duty and of using his own abilities, Na'aia retired from being a Keeper, passing off his Spear to another Sixth Generation. There was a lot to contemplate with his friend's passing, but the trauma left behind by him stopped him from pursuing the reason why and when he changed.

Opting to find his own inner peace, Na'aia slid back into his quiet life, occassionally coming out to town to meet with new found friends. Every now and then, someone would call for his help, and he would answer. Those able to see his wings glamoured at his beauty, only to never see him again.


His father is a seraphim while his mother is a night nymph. He has a distaste for the rest of his siblings, because of his father's obscene ways of experimenting with different wives to create potentially powerful children. Out of all his siblings, his father considered him the best, earning him hate from the others and shattered connections. Na'aia never bothered to rekindle his relationships with any of his siblings or parents, and couldn't anyways given that most of them had passed away already or were of old age. Among the eight children his father had, Na'aia is the 5th youngest.

Although he is considered of the Second Generation, he does not technically meet the bloodline anchor rule. Nevertheless, most individuals recognized his power to be on par with the rest of the Second Generations, earning him his place among the ranked.

Na'aia has a fairly sensitive back because that's where his wings are "pulled out" from. His wings, like an odd mixture of a bird and nymph, can rotate them weirdly enough to maintain air lift but can tuck them in tightly as if it were a cloak, barely ghosting the ground beneath.

Na'aia is considered slightly below average for height amongst seraphims, but fairly tall for night nymphs. In his world, Na'aia would definitely not be considered the tallest of any given diverse group. However, it should be noted that there aren't many seraphims left in this world, and those that do remain are of old age, so there isn't much to compare concurrently.

The crystal cocoon that kept him safe before being shattered was rebuilt to maintain its shape and aesthetics, given the location of where his cocoon ended up being.

Although Na'aia is a lightning-based user which draws its electrifying power from fire, he does not like using the primary element, nor can he control it well. He's had fairly bad experiences with fire-based users as well, and is keen on avoiding them or keeping distance, regardless of the current situation.

Style: with preferences to lances and thin long swords, Na'aia is a surprisingly powerful physical fighter as well, opting for sharpened nails when coming into close contact. That being said, Na'aia is only really physical when his wings are tucked away. His speed in both air and ground excels the average individual, with greater superiority in the air than on land. Due to the characteristics of his parents' species, Na'aia can essentially be impervious to wind-related attacks (given the situation) from his father's side and shift around in the dark with significant ease from his mother's side.

Gale Bursts: with the use of his wings, Na'aia is able to create small whirls of wind that can disorient or displace opponents, as well as deflect any small-medium projectiles coming towards him.

Black Lightning: gained from his father's side as his more natural inclination, the side effects come from his mother's. Sharp and snappy, getting hit with the volts can cause temporary blindness (both day and night), as well as make the target more susceptible to light-based attacks.

Twilight Strike: when intense speed or stealth is greatly needed, Na'aia takes on his mother's characteristics. Wings exposed, they briefly shift black as his eyes shift dark red. Short but intense bursts of lighting gales come into contact with the target, extending outwards in a straight line and slicing into the earth.

Na'aeyra's Acumen: certain conditions are required before this move can be pulled off - the target must be within a given range of 20km-3000km, the user must be enraged, and all other possible actions must be used. When Na'aeyra's Acumen is called, a single, large black bolt of lightning reaches from the skies to the earth, sending a powerful shockwave upon contact. All those in the same vicinity are affected, with serious casualities and major burns/fires. As this is a last resort, regaining energy after is quite difficult as the body receives an intense backlash from the sudden strain and emptying of power. The farther the target, the better precision and accuracy Na'aia can accomplish.
