Sirene Mallory!MK



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Sirene Mallory

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Element: Wood


Mannerisms: Curls her hair behind her ears a lot, usually looking around

Likes: Sweets, Drawing, Most kinds of music, meditation

Dislikes: Sour, fighting without a reason, Cliche' Country / Brutal Hip-Hop, Repeating mistakes

Strengths: Patience, Honesty, Humility, Fairness

Weaknesses: Empathy, Indecisive, Bold, Claustrophobia

Hobbies: Meditation, Drawing, Bonsai

Personality Type

As a human Sirene's patience can be stretched pretty far. But is also quite cautious with her surroundings.
Even at times double guessing her own opinion on certain things. Which usually leads to a negative outcome in some terms.
Her empathy is usually something that makes her come across as soft. And it usually causes trouble for the others given how it's
usually directed at others that aren't too friendly. It's only when 'evil' snaps at one of her friends does she finally snap back.

As a monkey however her personality takes a complete shift in a way. More arrogant, playful, and overall childish. She still shows a bit of similar interest in morals, however
is more likely to cause trouble than in helping against it sometimes. Trickery is a prime trait in her and is something that usually overcomes her when the opportunity presents itself.
Still, empathy is never out of the question in her point of view.

She believes in a way that anyone can be redeemed so long as they are willing. Seeing them not for who they say they are, but rather how they act.


Twisting Bramble: A quick repetitive action that involves fast jabs at her opponent while circling them.

Shape-shifting Monkey: Cursed by an ancient relic that once housed the spirit of Sun Wukong (the Monkey King) she is capable
of turning into a monkey. Both at will and accidental.

Animal Dialect: She's able to understand animal's as a monkey, and unsurprisingly understands monkey's better than anything.

Weaknesses of:
Twisting Bramble: Usually uses up a lot of stamina and requires a breather afterwards.
Shape-shifting: As a monkey her attention dwindles a lot. And the longer she stays as one the harder it is to turn back sometimes.
As well as at times it being triggered by certain urges. (i.e climbing, banana's, being near other monkeys)


Occupation: Traveler (AU: High school student)

Favorite Color: Gold/Red/Brown

Favorite Food: Can't turn down a sweet treat (Prefer's banana theme'd stuff)

Favorite Possession: Shell charm

Favorite Weapon: Hand to hand combat (Will use a bo-staff tho)

Favorite Animal: Bird


Birthday: July 21, 1999

Education: High-school


Main AU
Her general history revolves around being a pretty normal person. Decent grades in school, fairly loving family. Everything seemed to be going well until the incident.

Her father was an archaeologist and was often not at home. And for the one time he did happen to come home it was to confront his wife about a divorce while also transferring some relic's from another region to one of the local museums. After overhearing such a thing, Sirene ended up locking herself up in his study, a place where she was never allowed but her father having been in town left it unlocked. It's there where she found the staff and upon being startled by her father, dropping it and breaking it.

She was hospitalized, her parents believing it was due to the stress of her finding out about the divorce and having fainted because of it. Through several dreams and awkward scenario's she was finally approached by the spirit of Sun Wukong, and told of her being his protege. Not a particular choice was given and she's waved him off many times before. She sometimes see's his spirit in her own reflections, mostly to jest or mock her choices. And that she's wasting time living the sort of life she is now.

At this point two scenario's would occur

She would either run away from home to live in a forest not too far off from home. Where she'd live out her days until something happened prompting her to step in. OR

She would eventually run off from home to travel the world and pursue her 'destiny'. Training under Sun Wukong's wisdom and learning more about the world. For the eventual return of a rather malicious demon lies on the horizon.

In the past, MK fought against an enemy similar to himself, quick of wit and well, another monkey. They were called Six Eared Macaque. The demon tried to impersonate him to steal his throne as well as his Buddhahood. And when challenged by MK, they fought one another, causing massive damage to the lands around them. Mountains destroyed and trees displaced, it taking the power of a Buddha to reveal the true form of Macaque, only then did MK attempt to finish the other only to see that he had eaten one of the peach's of immortality he'd stolen. Knowing this, he sealed him away in a Calabash, and gave it to the monks to keep guard over.

Throughout history the prison had been passed on through generations, until it would mysteriously vanish. And later on prove to no longer house Macaque, who would seek out revenge against MK. Proving a difficult foe for Sirene in battle given he had centuries to own his skills.

Genetic Mutation AU

Where Sirene was once an average human apart of some punk gang because of a boyfriend she had. They snuck into an abandoned animal genetics lab in search of a quick cash grab from any leftover wiring, only to find that the facility was still secretly in use. After a big fight in an attempt to escape, one of the members causes a fail in the machinery and the place explodes with noxious gas (kinda like static shock X TMNT) Sirene gets caught up in it and monkified, the whole gang dispersing.


Mom: Alice Mallory

Dad: Maurice Mallory

Siblings: None

Relationships: None

Pets: An old snake named 'Sashi'