


5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Skua

Age: around 3-4 years old

Gender: Male 

Species: Seawing
Status: Alive
Personality: He's kinda hotheaded and bit rude, though he knows how to behave more in certain situations. He can be a bit more nice if your nice or you don't bug him too much, though as friends he could careless. He won't hesitant to try and fight over anything that threatening. Takes a while to calm him down and it's hard to know what does but let him have his moment in a private room then you're okay.
Sexuality: Unknown
Relationships/crush: Maybe one Nightshard but he doesn't show much interest in many people
Likes: To be heard or just saying what's on his mind, fighting or being a bit of a show off, he doesn't mind being silly or goofy but only with friends and being to himself sometimes
Dislikes: being bored when he's too himself, he can't do nothing and has to do something. Being seen as a jerk or seeing people he cares about being hurt and showing his feelings sometimes.
Flaws: he can bottle things up a little too much to where he can snap at someone and come off a little too blunt.
Strengths: A great fighter and very determined with little to no fear. He's actually pretty book smart which can throw some people off guard.
Pets: none
Friends: Crystal, Solar (just very mutual), and maybe some of the teachers and other dragons
Family: Urchin (Father), Pearl (Mother), and Sage (Sister)
Bio: He's an odd dragon, he never talks about his past but he grew up with other seawings and was mostly raised by his older sister since his parents always got busy. he did have time with them and loves them but her also loves his sister very much and he learned a lot from her. Most seawings will go up to him or Sage and have them help with wounds and illnesses. He volunteered to go to Jade mountain, he had a hard goodbye with his sister and his parents, but he could always visit.
Other: He secretly reads scrolls and studies for himself. He also had a wristbands from his father, mother and his sister on his his wrist.