


7 years, 9 months ago


"Did you like my latest flower arrangement?"

sweet . humble . childish . clingy . nature-loving

■ Age 24
■ Height 5'3" ft | 160 cm
■ Weight 115 lbs | 52 kg
■ Gender Female
■ Orientation Demisexual
■ Status ???
■ Occupation Flower Shopkeeper
■ Species Lovenote
■ Breed European Shorthair

■ References 「 1 」「 2 」

creator 「pastie
About Loraine


Loraine is a humble and simple girl despite being born into a relatively wealthy family. She grew up quite sheltered, having been home-schooled most of her life till she entered certain business & marketing courses to help out her family. She didn't mind inheriting her family's flower business since she grew up loving and caring for flowers. She enjoys doing flower arrangements the most rather than taking care of the front desk and website of the shop. Since her parents mostly handle the more complicated catering side of the business, she's usually left alone in the shop. Due to the seasonal demand of flowers, she usually finds herself bored and lonely, until a beautiful baker decided to walk in to start daily conversations with her.


Loraine is a happy-go-lucky girl with a very cheerful disposition and usually doesn't act her age. While she is naive to the point of not being able to detect backhanded compliments towards her, she is very outspoken and righteous when she knows someone is blatantly doing something bad.


  • Flowers & animals
  • Spring & summer
  • Flowering tea
  • Coffee with desserts
  • Eco-friendly stuff

  • Getting dirty
  • Using pesticides
  • Winter
  • Wilted flowers
  • Garden pests, especially snails

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「Chantalle | Love Interest」

Chantalle is a baker and frequent visitor of her shop. While she may not always buy flowers, Lora is happy to see her regardless as she always drops by with a bag of pastries and sweets with her. Their friendship started awkwardly as Lora would find herself staring at this very beautiful lady, then zone out of their conversations every once in a while. Lora can't help but question her own sexuality. Has she always liked women or is it just Chantalle? Regardless, she wants to sort out her own feelings as she genuinely likes this person.