Mango's Comments

My favorite dessert is cheesecakes, Mango is pretty laid back, energetic and detached. Their birthday is on February 1st and Mango is part of the manokit species

( hey, i noticed the info you gave was what i left accidentally on the bio! ik this is on me for not making it clear, but the point of giving me some info about them is for me to know your ideas on them and what you'd do with them! it doesn't really help if you just state the information i had for their previous bio, even if you do want to keep that info!)

Oh haha what I understood from the give tidbits remark was like write down what you noted about them to see if people read the instructions hahaha

New Entry: Name: Gio

Personality: Curious, lazy at times, likes to explore

Gio would spend countless days and nights exploring until he finds a place safe enough to create a burrow and live in for a few weeks before moving again to a new location. Theyll love to eat fruits especially mangoes and kiwis. 

Thank you for em i shall take great care of em

No problem ^o^
