🦀 Aonghas
Basic Info
Belongs to Deyan
OPEN for Art
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Highland Bull: (English) Highland cattle (Scottish Gaelic: Bò Ghàidhealach; Scots: Heilan coo) are a Scottish cattle breed. They have long horns and long, wavy, woolly coats that are coloured red, ginger, black, dun, yellow, white, grey, "silver" (white but with a black nose and ears), or tan, and they also may be Brindled.
Personality: Affectionate, Extroverted, Bullheaded, Confident, Temperamental
Likes: Snuggles, Licking Everyone, Leading Groups
Dislikes: Following Directions, Being Disrespected, Cowboys, Angus Beef Jokes
Design Notes:
- Usually wears a gold cow bell on a red collar
- LARGE in every way! Tall, muscular and chubby
- Covered in thick, scruffy fur everywhere but their tail, hands, feet and face (which are soft and velvety instead)
- Eyes always covered by fur
- Very long, flexible tongue
- Black-tipped horns
Character Notes:
- Has a thick Scottish accent and curses like a sailor
- Raised by a factory farming operation and pressured into choosing their word prematurely (often wonders if they would've chosen a different word, like Bò Ghàidhealach or Heilan coo, had they had more time to choose carefully)
- Was rescued from their original home by Kenneth, but ultimately left Ken's public library for Sadaf's because Ken's library contains entirely too many cowboys
- Often accompanied by a black highland foal named Laochan
- Aromantic, but likes to play-flirt
Aonghas enjoys Satsuki's company and respects them as a fellow leader and nurturing elder, but sometimes they clash when they have different ideas about how to lead.
Pepper is sweet and cuddly and never stings Aonghas' tongue, unlike SOME sea slugs.
Cory drives Aonghas bananas, but for some reason Aonghas can't help but enjoy their company anyways.