Cody Hickory (🦌 Creature-Crossing)



3 years, 9 months ago






Cody is a somewhat shy, easily flustered, but overall relaxed and cool-headed deer boy with a penchant for matchmaking. Not even romantic matchmaking necessarily- he simply takes an... unusually attentive interest in people's personalities, so it's a good thing no one can see him staring through all that hair. He can flip from social party guy to amused, watchful wallflower in the time it takes to blink. He's always on the lookout for your new best friend, and he'll pull strings to ensure your paths cross just so he can see if his expectations match what really plays out. Just a little harmless fun and a blind date here and there, you know? Whenever he stumbles across toxic relationships, he'll spend his whole week scheming up an intervention. Unfortunately, Cody wears blissful blinders... He has a tendency to jump the gun on deciding what counts as toxic behavior. He's a lover, not a fighter...

When around his younger step-sister Mango, his partner Erica, or his newfound son Leroy, Cody's overprotective personality flares up fiercely. Although he overprepares by default, he over, OVER prepares when they're around. Cody has a cautious heart, but instead of shying away from potentially dangerous situations, he heads in ready to fight his way through and out again. You want him to follow you somewhere dark away from witnesses? Sure, he'll play along... as far as he can without ruining his backup plan. He Trusts Like Thatβ„’. Because of his lax nature, Cody generally comes across as a pushover (Oh, if only you knew...) Though he'll offer aid to those who touch his heart, he generally can't be found if you want his help with lame chores... but if there's a big social event going on, you can bet your butt that Cody will be there.

Cody and Mango live several streets apart and try not to visit each other often enough to arouse suspicion. Sometimes smoothly, sometimes clumsily, they pretend to be best friends and former coworkers, and can often be found stammering excuses to their other friends about why they aren't just dating already. The pretending has placed great stress on Cody's relationship with Mango in recent years... His overprotective nature is constantly at war with his fear of revealing that they're technically "more than friends" after all. Should the wrong people learn about his true past, he and Mango would certainly have to get the heck out of Dodge and go undercover all over again...


October 20th, 1992 - Present
Rubble Town
32 Rosebud Loop, Lilypad Town
Tab Silvertwig
Erica Calloway
Leroy Silvertwig
Father (Bio)
Mother (Bio)
Opal Hickory
??? Iksalvsinat
Mango Iksalvsinat


β˜… "Talk Too Much" - COIN

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist


Scroll for info

β˜… Cody has an easygoing and open demeanor- he's the kind of person who never hesitates to lend you a hoof and doesn't seem to hold anything back. He's quick to notice if you're uncomfortable and will back off instantly if he thinks he's the reason why.

β˜… He's kind, quick-witted, polite, observant, easily amused, and incredibly patient...

β˜… Mango sees him as a bossy, smothering, show-offy butt, but she adores him anyway. They have their moments, but they get along well.

β˜… Like Mango, his current catchphrase is fake and he sometimes reverts to his old one on accident.

β˜… If he were any smoother he'd be liquid silk. That said, it's incredibly easy to make him blush... He's a mess.

β˜… Very few people know his full name is Coconut; he'll tell you if you ask, but most people don't assume "Cody" is short for anything.

β˜… Will tell you anything about his past in Rubble Town you want to know... The devil's in the details.

β˜… He and Erica are queerplatonic partners.

β˜… Will not admit Mango is a family member. You cannot trick him. He is always on guard about spilling the secret and will simply insist they're best friends.

β˜… Gets around often, knows a lot of faces, and will totally introduce you to anyone you ask him to.

β˜… "Manipulative" is such a loaded word, don't you think?

β˜… Longtime dancer; he's quite graceful and can't resist a good beat. If his feet were right for it, he'd love to have trained in ballet.

β˜… Other notable skills include archery and photography. He's definitely not one for staying indoors.

β˜… Is totally chill with raiders as long as they're chill with him (Unusual among my roster)

β˜… Enjoys meditating, doing yoga, and hitting the nearby Willow City spa with Mango... Not so much into her love of jogging

β˜… If Cody were a PokΓ©mon, he would be a Sawsbuck. His nature would be Lax and his IV would be Highly Persistent

β˜… His favorite color is purple and his favorite food is mint chocolate cookies.

β˜… Doesn't have a job of his own, but comes from a wealthy family sprinkled with business owners

β˜… He likes both hearts and hinds /SHOT FOR BAD DEER JOKE

β˜… Enjoys wearing dresses at this point; his parents only ever bought one suit for fancy occasions and he's lived with Mango long enough to know the drill.

β˜… He and Mango don't fight... Cody doesn't like it when they fight.

β˜… An uber patient lad who's here to hang out with Mango, safety-check the town, pal around, and ship make some good friends along the way.

Base profile box code by Coywolfy || Pagedoll art by RukiHiroshi