Neon-Spider (Mathew) 💚💛



4 years, 8 months ago


Mathew is always very excited and optimistic. He's deaf, but still gets around well.
Despite being deaf he's still able to defend his city. He loves to just swing around at night and enjoy the city lights. 











height here




Let's start this at the beginning.
My name is Mathew Rahn, and for the past year I've been the one and only Spiderman. I was bitten by a radioactive spider while enjoying the city lights atop my favorite building. Naturally I was terrified, some spiders are venomous after all. Nothing seemed to happen after a few days, then I began sticking to every surface and everything became a lot brighter. I could actually see the sounds of movement around me, it was strange. They came in a flash of multi colors, which hurt my eyes at first.

Soon I was swinging around the city every night, protecting citizens and getting some amazing views. It took a toll on my normal life, as I couldn't get enough sleep and school started way to early. But I'm still happily taking on my school and hero duties all the same. 


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Suspendisse id facilisis dolor. Proin augue mi, scelerisque porttitor sem sed, dictum consequat neque. Proin rutrum iaculis convallis. Nulla a arcu non dolor finibus dictum. Donec dictum ex eget magna auctor, vel rhoncus lacus consequat. Donec gravida odio sit amet justo ullamcorper, eget bibendum dolor accumsan. Praesent convallis dignissim accumsan. Ut ultrices nisi ut ante condimentum, et molestie nibh consectetur. Duis non justo non nulla sodales tincidunt. Mauris consequat, enim quis porta finibus, urna neque rhoncus dui, id sollicitudin enim massa eget est. Donec placerat hendrerit iaculis. Nam ac condimentum arcu. Curabitur mollis justo lectus, eget pharetra sem volutpat sed. Sed rutrum urna justo, nec mollis urna mattis in.


Spidey senses/Abilities
    Mathew is able to do most things spiders can, such as stick to most surfaces. Sense incoming danger and get out of the way fast, as well as being more agile when it comes to jumping and swinging. He's also able to shoot multi colored webs.

See movement
    After being bitten Mathew was able to see movement in the form of bright, flashing colors. The brighter the colors the closer the noise is, and the more it flashes the louder it is. This not only helps him while being a hero, but it helps him a lot in his normal life.

Still thinking...

code by zodia

character image by
aesthetic image by