💛 Catcher & Carter 💜💚



4 years, 8 months ago



AGE 36
JOB Huntsman


Catcher was born into a conflicting world terrorized by demons, and humans were often terrified for their lives. There were possessions, which often led to murder and destruction on a large scale. The only thing that could put down these monsters were a Huntsman, a mysterious group of people who's identity is never known. They were tasked with the removal of demons and possessed.

When Catcher was born his parents noticed strange things with him. His personality would often switch, from his happy self to a much darker side. Carter was born with a demon attached to his spirit, a demon that grew up along side him. His parents couldn't see the demon unless the demon, Carter, wanted them too. He only relieved himself to Catcher. Catcher hated Carter, not only for the asshole he was but the danger he put himself in. Catcher's parents had to hide the fact Catcher had an attachment from everyone, in fear he could be taken and killed.

Catcher grew up with Carter, and learned how to keep Carter from possessing him for long periods of time. Catcher met his wife, Jocelyn, when he was 22. The two got married at 28 and had their child, Lucia, four years later. It was a happy, but short lived moment, as Jocelyn was murdered one night. They found the culprit to be a demon possessing a human, which grew Catchers hate for demons. He was left to raise Lucia alone, and tried every way to get rid of Carter. One day he got the idea of becoming a Huntsman, thinking through that he could avenge his wife and find a way to get rid of all demons. Carter was not on board with this, but really had no choice.

Catcher became very popular very fast, but like all Huntsman his identity had to remain secret. He only let Lucia know who he was. Catcher soon became a very skilled hunter, with the help of Carter he could strike down a demon in seconds. Catcher is a great father to Lucia, and always finds time for her.


  • Lucia
  • Revenge

  • Carter being annoying
  • Demons
  • Being a Huntsman


AGE 36
ORIENT. Aro/pan
JOB General asshole


Carter was born into a conflicting world, where demons were hunted and killed for possessing the living. He has no knowledge of any past life, like most demons, an never understood why he was attached to Catcher at birth. Unlike most demons, Carter ages like a human. He grew up from a child to adult alongside Catcher.

The two don't have a very strong bond, but Carter does feel a sort of remorse for all the damage demons have caused, especially to Catcher. This doesn't mean he doesn't try and possess him whenever he can, but he never hurts anyone Catcher cares about. Carter has a few abilities, most he can share with Catcher when fully or partly possessing him. He can make himself appear to anyone he wants, but only ever appears for Catcher or Lucia.

Carter is a separate person from Catcher, despite being attached to him. He can wander freely, but can only go 30 feet away from Catcher before reappearing beside him. He has his own feelings and pain. He often watches over Lucia while Catcher's busy or asleep, and despite being a demon is very kind and gentle to her. He feels much like an uncle or protector towards her, even if Catcher hates this. Lucia knows about Carter, but doesn't fully understand Catcher's attachment. Carter goes with Catcher during his "hunts". He'll often possess him during tough battles, helping Catcher by letting him use his abilities for his own.


  • Annoying Catcher
  • Lucia
  • Possessing Catcher

  • Huntsman
  • Being attached to Catcher
Powers/Abilities                                                                                                          Powers/Abilities

Hunters Vision: Given to Catcher once he became a Huntsman. Hunters vision allows him to see demons through solid objects or people that are currently being possessed. He can only use it when hunting. 
Possession: Like most demons, Catcher is able to possess the living. it causes issues, especially with him being attached to Catcher. Usually he only possesses Catcher, not wanting the issues of possessing anyone else. He's able to share some of his demons abilities with Catcher when he's possessing him.
Shadow: Catcher can use this ability when Carter is partly possessing him. It gives him the ability to summon/manipulate the shadows around him. He often uses it to grab demons from a distance and hold them.Appear: One ability Carter can share with Catcher is appear. Carter is able to teleport longer distances than Catcher, but can't go 30 feet away from him. He can also take it farther by disappearing completely to certain people.
Appear: Appear is a basic short form of teleportation Catcher can preform when Carter is partly possessing him. He can't travel long distances, but it's perfect for evading enemies of getting the jump on this.

Compound bow: Catcher chose his main weapon as a compound bow. He often carries the arrows in his waist, and the bow folds down and attaches to his upper left arm. He's able to fire arrows from a distance with silence, crippling any body a demon has possessed. He can also burn holes in demons with blessed arrows. Dagger: Catcher attaches a dagger to his right hip, for the case of not being able to use his bow. He usually never uses this, but still practices with it. Blessed Whip: Every Huntsman has one of these, but they vary in design and ability. Catcher uses this to finish off the demon, wrapping the whips rope around any body of a demon or that it possesses will burn the demon, leaving nothing but a pile of ash. He wraps it around his chest, making it easy to pull off and hard to force off of him.