


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info



Description (beast)

Naga is a large, sky-blue, snake with darker feathers that run in a crest down his head and some of his body.

Description (man)

Naga often changes how he appears as a man, as he is more likely to try and interact with people. His distinguishing traits are shorter hair that's either white or blue, as well as blue tattoos that look like crested snakes. He appears to be in his 30s-40s most of the time.

Lore (some parts are different but it parallels)


Naga is a large blue feathered snake that lives in the same world as Haiska and Kitsune. He is the most calm and collected of the three and is often known to be kind. He is a traveler and moves around quite a bit, and in his world among people, he is known as the Blue Spirit. People don't often see him but a glimpse or a feather is seen as a lucky talisman.

Haiska, Naga, and Kitsune were all constructed by Creators. Although I haven't completely worked out this concept yet, the creators come along every 100,000 years or so. There have been three so far, the first created Haiska (more details will be in his description), the second created Naga and Kitsune, and the third has just come into existence (he tends to lean towards the creation of giant insect-like hybrids). The Second Creator focused his efforts on the creation of beautiful beasts. Naga was one of his greatest, if not largest and most intelligent beasts. He had to change how he designed them after Haiska became attuned to their lack of defenses. Kitsune was then created with the ability to control fire, and Naga gained fangs.

The destruction that Naga witnessed prompted him to go after Haiska in an attempt to stop his destruction. Naga decided that to stop Haiska's reign of destruction, he would attempt to tame him. (And by tame, well, make him able to be around people without horrible consequences) His solution to this problem was to attain the power to turn him into a human for however long it was needed. This also allowed him to become human, and Kitsune as well. This solution ultimately succeeded in "taming" Haiska, and now as long as Naga is around he can be managed. Their appearances as people often change, and morph as they move around, but retain basic features that are constant in each "look".